加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息second career
在多论多,想ei学习,second career,有推荐的专业吗,就业好的,
不太了解second career. 我觉得最好还是做回跟在国内相关的行业和事情。
旅游户外置顶贴原创加拿大露营入门图解 http://forum.iask.to/showthread.php?t=599986加东55日自驾游16篇游记攻略http://blog.sina.com.cn/archerfishbaby 赏 2014-04-22#4 昆 29 $0.00 评分找专业办这个的,但就是不知道念什么好,你好,你学过吗
昆 等待 说:评分找专业办这个的,但就是不知道念什么好,你好,你学过吗点击展开... Hello Kun, I think that it is better to talk to more people about career and also consider your own interest. IBased on my conversations with people, there is no such a major which is easy to get a job. Normally, Chinese people go with accounting, IT and nurse. However, I still find that people with these majors complain that it is difficult to get a job. I think that most difficult step is to get a first job. That's why I was suggesting doing something related with your experiences in China. Once you have the experience, things will get easier. By the way, I remember that I read an article from Jiayuan about Supply Chain Major. A lady did a diploma in Supply Chain at college and she landed a good job with a big company. Logistic industry is well developed in Canada. You can consider this major. Good luck,Ting
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