加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Please sign for this: No Bill C-24


Sorry cannot type English at work, please sign for this, no Bill C-24! No second class citizen!!保守党政府的又一杰作!凡是可疑的有危害的公民,移民部长都有权吊销公民身份!不是不赞成对有危险的公民吊销身份,而是部长权利太大了。取消身份这样的重大决定只能由法庭经过审理慎重的做出才行!移民部长无权这么做!拒绝做人人自危的二等公民!赞成的请签字,谢谢!http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/hon-chris-alexander-pc-mp-canadian-government-stop-bill-c-24-don-t-turn-millions-of-us-into-second-class-canadian-citizens?recruiter=79170005&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 赞反馈:Les Paradis 和 leoo 2014-05-17#2 科学养猪 17,903 $0.00 这个法语我居然也看明白了。

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT] 2014-05-17#3 超邪气 2,021 $0.00 Ding~

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 赞反馈:leoo 2014-05-17#4 B
付费矿工 3$(0.00$赞力,#86) 15,334 $11.24 $2.57 和国内的反革命罪有一拼啊。





Under the Act, revocation of citizenship is limited to naturalized Canadians who acquired their citizenship by false representations


SPIKE 说:这个bill一定要赞成,为什么要反对呢?对那些把脑袋蒙起来的本就不能让移民进来,对恐怖疯子还要过堂简直是浪费纳税人的钱哪。对这个bill不吃猪肉的一定叫的最欢,中国人基本上没有恐怖分子,不会出现在危害国家安全的list上就不要瞎嚷嚷了。点击展开...已经获得您的赞。

SPIKE 说:这个bill一定要赞成,为什么要反对呢?对那些把脑袋蒙起来的本就不能让移民进来,对恐怖疯子还要过堂简直是浪费纳税人的钱哪。对这个bill不吃猪肉的一定叫的最欢,中国人基本上没有恐怖分子,不会出现在危害国家安全的list上就不要瞎嚷嚷了。点击展开...对啊。对于一心相当版主的,或者天天怀疑别人想当版主的,一律取消移民资格。支持。

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]这个bill一定要赞成,为什么要反对呢?对那些把脑袋蒙起来的本就不能让移民进来,对恐怖疯子还要过堂简直是浪费纳税人的钱哪。对这个bill不吃猪肉的一定叫的最欢,中国人基本上没有恐怖分子,不会出现在危害国家安全的list上就不要瞎嚷嚷了。点击展开...没说吊销恐怖分子的身份是错误的。但是你有没有考虑过未来,今天他移民部长以反恐为理由把取消国籍的权利开了口子拿到自己的手里,明天他分分钟可以将这个权利扩大,再来一次排华,再随随便便取消个什么人,概率小但是不代表没有,到了那一天哭都来不及。只有法官经过审理才可以取消国籍才是真正的司法公正。还记得那一次30万的技移一刀切跟6万的投移一刀切不?为啥?就是因为之前的C法案被保守党政府塞到了预算案当中强行通过了,如果那个法案当初没有通过,部长根本没有权利一刀切。所以今天他们想在把这个权利拿到手,我肯定是反对的。他们只是用取消恐怖分子的借口来扩权罢了,他一年到底取消了几个恐怖分子的身份??个位数,但是取消的所谓的不够资格的公民却是一年6千多,你们如果想有天被分到这个编制里面,就请投赞成票。不知道为什么华人总是对政府很信任,这个法案在印度社区东南亚社区已经引起了强烈的重视,咱们华人还普遍觉得对自己没影响,难道我们华人真的是天生的顺民吗?

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 赞反馈:bbjj 2014-05-21#14 外 2,230 $0.00 反对, 不签.也号召大家不要瞎签.搞搞清楚再想清楚别被一小撮无厘头胡扯蛋的人煽动了.

Canadian Government: Stop Bill C-24! Don't turn millions of us into second class Canadian citizens Petition byJosh Paterson; BC Civil Liberties Association; Canadian Association of Refugee LawyersI was shocked when we learned that the federal government is undermining Canadian citizenship as we know it - taking away the rights of millions of Canadians. Right now, the government is working to turn many Canadians into second-class citizens with fewer rights – just because they were born outside Canada or are dual citizens.Why should my citizenship be worth less than other Canadians, just because my mom was born in a different country and I'm a dual citizen? Nobody should be a second-class Canadian, no matter where their family comes from.Canada is all about diversity. Many Canadians were born in other countries or are citizens of other countries because of their family history – and all of us are 100% Canadian.But this new law – Bill C-24 – will shatter a core principle of Canadian citizenship – that all Canadians have equal rights. This new law will make a second-class citizen out of every Canadian who’s born elsewhere or who is a dual citizen.In Canada, lawfully-obtained citizenship has always been permanent. Once a Canadian, always a Canadian. Now the government is making Canadian citizenship less secure. This turns the whole idea of being Canadian upside-down, so that the Canadian citizenship of some people will be worth less than the Canadian citizenship of others.Citizenship is supposed to mean something. Taking rights away from Canadians because of where they were born, or where their families come from? That’s un-Canadian. We need to stop this second-class Canadian law.Please sign this petition and call on Citizenship Minister Chris Alexander to immediately stop his push for this new law.What right could be taken away by the new law? The very right to be Canadian!For example, new Canadians who were born in another country could be at risk of losing their Canadian citizenship if they move overseas to be with a loved one, to take a job, or to go to school - the way this law is written now. Meanwhile, other Canadians have the right to do all of those things, without any risk. No matter where our families come from, a Canadian is a Canadian, and we all deserve the same rights that come with being a Canadian citizen. That’s why this law needs to be stopped.The government wants the power to eliminate a person’s Canadian citizenship without even having to go to court to get a judge’s order. This means that Canadians will be vulnerable to faceless government bureaucrats abusing their power. That’s not how democracy is supposed to work.In this country, no Canadian deserves fewer rights than any other. Every Canadian citizen should have the same rights and freedoms – no matter where they or their parents or grandparents were born.That’s why I’m asking you to sign this petition right now, and stand up for equal citizenship for all Canadians. What else will this new law do?--The new law will put new Canadians who moved here from undemocratic countries at extra risk. Government officials will have the power to take away Canadian citizenship from someone who has been convicted of certain criminal offences outside Canada, even if the person is unfairly convicted by an undemocratic dictatorship without a fair court system.--The new law will throw Canada back to the dark ages by reviving exile as punishment for certain criminal offences. That’s how countries punished people hundreds of years ago, before we developed a modern penal system with prisons and programs for punishment and rehabilitation. This is just wrong – if a Canadian is accused of a serious crime like terrorism or treason, they can and should face justice right here in Canada under a fair court process. Canadian criminal courts can effectively punish people who break the law using the tools provided by the criminal justice system. That’s their job. The government must not be given the power to punish Canadians by banishing them.--The new law will also make it harder, more expensive, and slower for newcomers to obtain Canadian citizenship – increasing the barriers for families who want to start new lives and contribute to Canadian society.Please sign this petition now, to ask Citizenship Minister Chris Alexander and members of Parliament to stop Bill C-24, and to ensure equal citizenship for all Canadians.If you like, you can read more detailed information about Bill C-24 by clicking here.

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 这个bill一定要赞成,为什么要反对呢?对那些把脑袋蒙起来的本就不能让移民进来,对恐怖疯子还要过堂简直是浪费纳税人的钱哪。对这个bill不吃猪肉的一定叫的最欢,中国人基本上没有恐怖分子,不会出现在危害国家安全的list上就不要瞎嚷嚷了。点击展开...好奇怪啊,我们在中国的时候各位口口声声说中国没有法治,样样都不透明,怎么到了这里就如此宽容呢?政府的权利太大而且没有透明度,如何知道政府没有报复一些反对政府的人呢,虽然这些人可能并没有犯法。

科学养猪 说:对啊。对于一心相当版主的,或者天天怀疑别人想当版主的,一律取消移民资格。支持。点击展开...假如这个bill通过了也许有一天政府都可以做出如此无厘头的决定,因为权力凌驾于法律之上。

bbjj 说:假如这个bill通过了也许有一天政府都可以做出如此无厘头的决定,因为权力凌驾于法律之上。点击展开...谁说的? 你说这个“因为” 之前有没有动过脑筋?

[FONT=Arimo, sans-serif]机会像雪片一样向我扑来,都被我一一闪过。。。。。。[/FONT]谁说的? 你说这个“因为” 之前有没有动过脑筋?点击展开...连谁说的都没搞清楚,没动脑筋的是你吧.


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