加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新移民免费借自行车半年


有些特别要求,大家自己看看。I hope you all are doing well and finally enjoying the warm weather.After such a strong, cold and long winter that we survived and even got active with Wintegration Club , I would like to introduce you to another CultureLink program that involves your body to move and also make you feel healthy and happy. For those who enjoy bike riding we are starting the Bike Host program. It is also mentorship program where every group will have two mentors (experienced volunteers) and two-three mentees (newcomers).We still have space for Saturday June 7 at Lillian H. Smith. The time is 10am to 1pm. There will be a presentation about Bike Host for the mentees, followed by several rounds of group interviews. Benefits of participation include:· Free outdoor activities, guided rides around Toronto. Some activities, like Toronto Island picnic, are very family-friendly.· The group is always very social, a chance to meet people, practice English and work in a team with mentors and mentees· Clients can borrow a bike if they don’t have one, until September. Bikes come with locks, helmets, etc.· Volunteer hours and civic engagement opportunities· Certificate and reference letter for those who complete the programWe give priorities to those who never participated in CCMP Civic Engagement program (NEAT, Bike Host, Luminato or Wintegration Club) as a mentee.

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