这是代一位不会中文的友人发布帖子。下文是我帮忙翻译过来的。感兴趣的请联系下面的电话。代发广告出售:如果你或你认识的人刚来加拿大,想快速安顿下来,并且节省花销,那么可以考虑。我正出售家里的所有家具,厨房用品,电器,Honda CRV 车等。如果你希望更好的交易,买下所有的东西,可以比原价省70%。有的东西很少使用过,比如三星电视(平板智能电视)和DVD播放器只用了三个月,还有很多新电器。这个公寓地址在密西沙加市,两居室月租1200。如果你买下所有的东西,我可以跟管理员说说看能不能给你同样的租价。感兴趣的话并认真考虑的人可以打电话905-2798185。我只讲英文。Selling : If you or know someone who just moved to Canada and need to settle fast with minimum expenses,. I am selling all my belongings such as furniture, all kitchen items, electronics, Honda CRV etc.. If you want a better deal, I can sell you EVERYTHING where you would save up to 70% less than the original price. Some items are barely used, such as a Samsung TV (flat smart tv) and DVD player used 3 months only and more new electronics. The apartment is in a prime location in Mississauga and monthly rent is $1200 for a 2 bedroom. If you agree to buy all what is inside, I can talk to the management to check if they can give you same rent. If interested and only for serious buyers you can call 9052798185 I can only speak English.
大脑是个好东西,真希望每个人都有一个 赏 2015-06-23#2

大脑是个好东西,真希望每个人都有一个 赏 2015-06-24#3 华 370 $0.00 楼主你别怪我说话直接 从你贴的照片来看 白送人估计都没人要 居然还卖钱?
呵呵,估计不知道几手的。楼主你别怪我说话直接 从你贴的照片来看 白送人估计都没人要 居然还卖钱?点击展开...
华莱士 说:楼主你别怪我说话直接 从你贴的照片来看 白送人估计都没人要 居然还卖钱?点击展开...没办法呀,有些人就是没有common sense,还以为现在的新移民都是船上下来的,哪知道,新来的都是款爷呀,买房子都是cash,不用贷款的,会看得上这些破烂玩意?
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