加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息消防员们好样的!


图片简直太搞了http://enviroshare.info/index.php/2015/07/26/canadian-firefighters-refuse-to-sing/Canadian firefighters refuse to sing the national anthem for Stephen Harper after he boldly pulled them away from raging wildfires off the cost of Kelowna, a busy B.C. city. Harper was pulling the firefighters away from the expensive fire in order to pose for a heroic pre-election photograph. At this point Harper began to wildly wave his hands as a means to spur the bedraggled fire fighters into a spirited chorus of O Canada.The group stood silently as harper sang, refusing to even hum a few notes, or to accept the “Canada’s Better With Harper” t-shirts being ushered around by Harper’s expert election organizers.“Shit man, we’d all been out there for 12 hours or so and suddenly we’re hauled out, lined up in a parking lot, left standing for an hour, and then expected to sing O Canada so Harper can get a picture?” front-line firefighter Ted McKinley told local radio station AM 1150.“That’s complete bullshit. Harper just wanted a picture as quickly as he could get one…he still smelled like garlic from whatever he had for lunch,” said the 37-year-old father of two.As Harper rounded up the publicity stunt he promised his consideration for more protective measures against future wildfires. Harper then belted out “The Maple Leaf Forever” as he stepped into a helicopter destined to return to Kalowna for a suave beach-side fundraiser.It’s good to see people standing up for the environment! Firefighters know more then most about the unfortunate increase in wildfires. The firefighters know that the most likely cause for the increased duration and frequency of the fires is because of climate change, and it is commonly known that Harper is no great environmentalist. I found this viral story very interesting because it highlights that the smallest gestures, can have a tremendous global effect.

IT赞反馈:超邪气 2015-08-07#2 sabre 付费矿工 2,440$(0.44$赞力,#20) 80,995 $20.02 $2,440.35 我觉得是假新闻

反正不怕被开除 要我也不鸟他 老子都干了12小时了 你还让我排队等你1个小时你又不给我口一个 让我解解乏

C-C 说:这边也有假新闻?某些人会跳脚否认的。点击展开...NBC的大腕, brain williams, 大概三四个月之前出事,早年, 有CBS 大腕Dan Rather, 布什national guard假新闻,还有专门搞笑的假新闻,

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