申请后,收到email让我update 邮递直接送到家庭住址,我就做了。今天外甥面签完,给了pick up in person 的票,孩子出来我拿着票去外面排队把情况说了,工作人员说邮局可能罢工,我说但是也很大可能不罢工,邮局罢工打雷很久了,我收到你们email让我交钱update 快递,那我现在还得再跑一趟pickup,工作人员不耐烦的摆摆手,让我离开。我回家找了几个电话根本打不通他们。我能怎么办呢?
以佛修心,以道做人。 赏 2016-08-26#2

5,639 $0.00 I have to say that the security workers there are rude. There are no signs and no line showing where to line up. When I was looking around and wondering, one of them just yelled up "Hey. Go line up over there". I was lining up and it was my turn, when 3 people just cut in and went up to the window directly. I said to one security worker that they cut in. He just smiled and said he knew. I am not happy with my experience there at all. Those security workers look aggressive and rude. Also, I wonder if even in winter, people have to line up like that outside in the snow and wind? America just treats non canadians this way?
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