加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息不懂车和保险之类的,有句话请好心人帮我解释
If you are visiting Ontario for less than 3 months and want to drive while you’re here, you can use a valid driver’s licence from your own province, state or country. You will also need to:be at least 16 years oldhave proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drivecarry an original (or exact) copy of the vehicle ownership permitobey traffic laws, drive safely and avoid collisions when you drive第二个要求,have proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drive。假如我的亲戚来这里,我借了一辆车给他们开,这个车的车主是买了保险的,但是如果我亲戚开,这样算have proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drive吗,万一被警察拦住了会不会有麻烦?
tototo 说:If you are visiting Ontario for less than 3 months and want to drive while you’re here, you can use a valid driver’s licence from your own province, state or country.You will also need to:be at least 16 years oldhave proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drivecarry an original (or exact) copy of the vehicle ownership permitobey traffic laws, drive safely and avoid collisions when you drive第二个要求,have proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drive。假如我的亲戚来这里,我借了一辆车给他们开,这个车的车主是买了保险的,但是如果我亲戚开,这样算have proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drive吗,万一被警察拦住了会不会有麻烦?点击展开...打电话问保险公司。
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 赏 2017-06-01#3 8,415 $0.00 Lending Your VehicleWhen you lend your auto, you also share your auto insurance. Typically, a guest driver is also covered under your policy. Should the guest driver cause a collision while driving your vehicle, your premium may increase.What to ConsiderUnder certain circumstances, you can lend your auto without naming a guest driver on your insurance policy. If you decide to lend your auto, keep the following in mind:You must agree – verbally or in writing – that the driver may use your vehicle. You can’t lend your auto on a regular basis to someone without naming him or her on your insurance policy. If, for example, a friend wants to drive your auto every Friday to go grocery shopping, update your policy to include him or her as an occasional driver.The person who borrows your auto must be licensed and legally allowed to drive in the province or territory where you both live.When you lend your vehicle, remember that you also lend your insurance record.我找到了这个,说明借车的时候等于保险也被借了。
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》If you are visiting Ontario for less than 3 months and want to drive while you’re here, you can use a valid driver’s licence from your own province, state or country.You will also need to:be at least 16 years oldhave proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drivecarry an original (or exact) copy of the vehicle ownership permitobey traffic laws, drive safely and avoid collisions when you drive第二个要求,have proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drive。假如我的亲戚来这里,我借了一辆车给他们开,这个车的车主是买了保险的,但是如果我亲戚开,这样算have proper insurance coverage for the vehicle you will drive吗,万一被警察拦住了会不会有麻烦?点击展开...算。警察没麻烦。我问过td mm insurance.缺点就是违章后涨的保险你要自己扛着。就这一点就够你受的了
赏 2017-06-02#9 8,415 $0.00 我知道这个,不过开始的时候他们在这里只是附近转转,买买东西,我觉得没必要租车,而且租车还得去Lindsay或者Peterborough.我亲戚开车还是很小心的,在国内也不违章的那种,实在开个一二十分钟的路也被警察抓了,那我只好认了。等用车比较多的时候去比较远的地方再租车,只要开别人的车本身不违章那我就不害怕了。
千客万来 说:别借自己的车给别人,可以帮他去租车行借车。点击展开...不管了,反正我这里有的是车没人开。而且我发现这里互相借车是很普遍的事情,他们经常借朋友的车,有时候我们需要用别人的车了,人家也很慷慨,车让我们开几个月都不问的。我这里还有一辆是一个朋友的车,明年年初才给他还。
tototo 说:不管了,反正我这里有的是车没人开。而且我发现这里互相借车是很普遍的事情,他们经常借朋友的车,有时候我们需要用别人的车了,人家也很慷慨,车让我们开几个月都不问的。我这里还有一辆是一个朋友的车,明年年初才给他还。点击展开...真的吗?我刚来的时候,怎么听别人说:在加拿大,有两样东西不能借,一个是老婆,一个是车
sunwei_bj 说:真的吗?我刚来的时候,怎么听别人说:在加拿大,有两样东西不能借,一个是老婆,一个是车点击展开...是的,我也听说过,但是我后来发现我这里不是这样。不知道多伦多的人是不是这样, 也许农村和城里不一样。
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