加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Integration International Capital Limited招聘简介


Name of Company: Integration International Capital Limited;Introduction of Company: The company is a newly established investment management company in Toronto.Position: Two executive assistants Salary: NegotiableRequirements for the position:1, Bachelor degree or above2, Fluency in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English, with excellent bilingual communication, comprehension as well as translation capabilities;3, Finance or legal background is preferred;4, Relevant working experiences, preferably three (3) years or above, is an advantage;5, Need to be able/permitted to work in Canada legally;6, Detailed oriented, accountable and a team player;7, Willing to learn and progress towards professional positions such as business analyst or investment manager.Responsibilities of the position:1, Carry out administrative work to support the establishment of the Company;2, Assist supervisors in dealing with internal management as well as external communications. Provide efficient and effective support for business activities;3, Provide end-to-end meeting logistics incl. organization, translation, minutes taking and following up with counter parties.4, Conduct other project management activities incl. gathering information and materials, managing files, as well as document processing.Please send your resumes to: [email protected]公司名稱:Integration International Capital Limited;公司介紹:在多倫多地區新成立的投資管理公司招聘職位: 行政助理兩位工作形式:全職薪資:面議崗位要求:1.本科以上學歷;2.中英文流利,具有極好的語言溝通能力和理解能力,以及較強的各類檔翻譯能力;3.金融及法律專業背景者優先;4.有工作經驗3年者優先;5.具有合法在加拿大工作許可;6.工作細緻認真,責任心強,具有團隊合作精神。7.積極學習上進者,有意向成為專業業務分析師或者投資經理崗位職責:1.現階段協助公司籌備辦公地點等各項詳細事務;2.公司行政事務工作及部門內部日常事務工作;3.協助公司領導進行內務、管理,為其他部門提供及時有效的行政服務;4.做好材料收集、檔案管理、文書起草、公文制定、文件收發、協調會議等工作;請將簡歷發送至: [email protected]

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