加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息公益讲座:自闭症孩子的语言和说话技能.
公益讲座:自闭症孩子的语言和说话技能.PUBLIC HEALTH LECTURE: LANGUAGE AND SPEAKING SKILLS FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN加拿大华人自闭症觉醒中心(CAAC)特邀有15年语言训练经验的注册语言训练专家和临床主任Vivian Yau给大家讲述如何帮助孩子开展语言训练。Canadian Chinese Autism Awakening Center (CAAC) will invite language training expert Vivian, has 15+ years of experience working with children with ASD, apraxia, language delay, stuttering, and various other difficulties to tell you how to help children on their language training.英文讲座,中文翻译Lecture in English, Chinese translation演讲者:Vivian Yau,理学硕士,CCC-SLP(临床语言能力训练) ,CASLPO(安大略省听力学家和言语语言病理学家)注册语言训练专家和微笑言语治疗(www.smilespeech.ca)临床主任。VIVIAN YAU, M.Sc.,CCC-SLP (Clinical Competence in Speech Language Pathology) , Reg. CASLPO (College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario) Speech-Language Pathologist and Clinical Director of Smile Speech Therapy (www.smilespeech.ca).时间:2018年9月29日晚上18:00-20:00TIME: September 29th, 2018, 18:00pm-20:00pm费用:免费, 活动提供茶点。Fee: Free, refreshments included.地点:410 Gold hawk Trail, Scarborough ON M1V4E7 (此地址后门有免费停车场)LOCATION: 410 Gold hawk Trail, Scarborough ON M1V4E7 (This location has free parking at the back door)报名电话REGISTRATION:Helen: 416-728-0358 [email protected]: 416-669-8296 [email protected]
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