加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息九月二十九日自闭症儿童讲座
自闭症孩子的语言和说话技能加拿大华人自闭症觉醒中心 (CAAC)特邀请语言训练专家VIVAN LAU给大家讲如何帮助孩子语言方面的训练英文讲座, 中文翻译CAAC致力于加拿大华人社区自闭症人士及家庭的支持性服务,协助自闭症人士治疗,康复,融入社会,促进其身心发展,提升家庭生活品质。CAAC目前是双向服务,一方面帮助华人自闭症家庭了解加拿大政府对自闭症家庭的相关政策,另一方面把政府对自闭症家庭的福利翻译解释给自闭症家庭,未来CAAC将全方位服务自闭症家庭及自闭症人士。时间:2018年9月29日晚上18:00-20:00费用:免费。活动提供茶点。地点:410 Goldhawk Trail, Scarborough ON M1V 4E7 (此地址后门有免费停车场)报名电话:Helen: 416-728-0358 [email protected] Lucy: 416-669-8296 [email protected]或点击 这里这里通过Eventbrite报名。www.eventbrite.ca/e/50318019551我们有义工组织孩子活动,但为确保孩子的安全,每个孩子要自带护工参与孩子的活动。============================================ Speech and Language Skills in Children with ASD”CAAC Chinese Autism Awareness Center invites Vivian Yau to give speech.Vivian YauM.Sc., CCC-SLP, Reg. CASLPOSpeech-Language Pathologist and Clinical DirectorVivian has over 15+ years of experience working with children with ASD, apraxia, language delay, stuttering, and various other difficulties. She is certified to conduct a number of Hanen programs (It Takes Two to Talk, Target Word, More Than Words) as well as trained in PROMPT and PECS. She is the founder and clinical director of Smile Speech Therapy—a private practice offering individual and group speech therapy for children in Toronto and the surrounding areaTime:September 29, 2018 18:00-20:00Fee:Free with light snackAddress: 410 Goldhawk Trail, Scarborough ON M1V 4E7 (Parking on the back)Please call Helen at 416-728-0358 or Lucy at 416-669-8296 to make a reservation.Helen: [email protected]: [email protected]
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