加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请推荐多伦多靠谱的债务公司,个人债务追讨
求推荐[email protected]
大部分号称专业追债的公司,其追债效率虽不能说是骗人的,但大多都是能力有限,这和你直接去委托律师事务所走法律程序几乎一个样。毕竟加拿大法律不会支持非法程序追债。但是,特别擅长欠债逃债的人一般在一开始也利用比如信息不对称等等手段骗了你,然后采取直接破产作最终应对手段。假如你有事先收集过证据,并且在咨询过律师后坚信自己身处一桩诈骗案,请拨打1-877-376-9902https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/bsf-osb.nsf/eng/br02655.html#report这是加拿大政府专门针对诈骗后随即破产这种行为的调查电话,一般会由审核机构初步评估后交由皇家骑警继续调查。顺便附上滥用破产规避刑责这一非法行为的概述。What are the offences?The most common offences committed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and the Criminal Code are when the bankrupt:Fraudulently disposes of property before or after the bankruptcy;Makes false entries in a statement of account or hides, destroys or falsifies a document related to his/her property or affairs;Obtains credit or any other good through false representations;Conceals or fraudulently removes property, or conceals claims or debts;Obtains credit or engages in trade without informing the people involved that he/she is bankrupt;Footnote 1Refuses to respond fully and truthfully to questions posed during an examination held in accordance with the BIA.量力而行,但假如你有精力有时间,请 不要放过任何一个触犯刑法的人。
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