加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息成本最低的立遗嘱WILL的方式
好像是最好要找两三个PROFESSIONAL,比如朋友中的会计师、教授、教师、政府工作人员之类最好有正当稳定职业的无犯罪记录可信赖的人做见证人就可以了网上有最简单的模板认证注册遗嘱方式,成本可能40-100不等,家里没矿的简单财产可以采取最简单最便宜的办法Two online solutions — Willful Wills (willful.co) and LegalWills.ca — allow Canadian adults to create their own legal wills for a fraction of the cost of visiting a lawyer. In fact, with either platform you can create a legal will online in fewer than 20 minutes by following a series of intuitive steps designed to guide you through the myriad options available.LegalWills.caEstablished in 2000, LegalWills.ca has been offering a will service for 15 years. The service is available throughout Canada with the exception of Quebec.A last will and testament costs $39.95. A complete estate plan, including a power of attorney and living will, is $89.85. A mirror will is 40 per cent off for the second, so a couple wanting to prepare two wills would pay $64 and a complete estate plan for a couple is $144.You can also list your belongings, digital assets and important contacts for $29.95 through a supporting feature called my life locker.To use it, name at least one close friend or family member as keyholder, who will be notified of their responsibilities and given a secure ID to access your documents at the appropriate time. When you become mentally incapacitated or die, your keyholder can request to view your documents on the server. An automatic notification is sent to you explaining that a keyholder is attempting to view your documents. The documents are released to the keyholder if you do not respond to the notification within a specific period of time.Willful WillsLaunched in 2017, Willful Wills is available in Ontario and Alberta, with British Columbia on deck.Its essentials package costs $99, which includes a last will and testament and allows you to take care of your estate and allocate property, make funeral wishes known, and plan for your children and their inheritance.The premium plan costs $150 and includes everything in the essentials package plus a power of attorney for personal care and property. It also allows you to plan for an emergency.
灰常好 谢谢!
Safarid 说:好像是最好要找两三个PROFESSIONAL,比如朋友中的会计师、教授、教师、政府工作人员之类最好有正当稳定职业的无犯罪记录可信赖的人做见证人就可以了网上有最简单的模板认证注册遗嘱方式,成本可能40-100不等,家里没矿的简单财产可以采取最简单最便宜的办法Two online solutions — Willful Wills (willful.co) and LegalWills.ca — allow Canadian adults to create their own legal wills for a fraction of the cost of visiting a lawyer. In fact, with either platform you can create a legal will online in fewer than 20 minutes by following a series of intuitive steps designed to guide you through the myriad options available.LegalWills.caEstablished in 2000, LegalWills.ca has been offering a will service for 15 years. The service is available throughout Canada with the exception of Quebec.A last will and testament costs $39.95. A complete estate plan, including a power of attorney and living will, is $89.85. A mirror will is 40 per cent off for the second, so a couple wanting to prepare two wills would pay $64 and a complete estate plan for a couple is $144.You can also list your belongings, digital assets and important contacts for $29.95 through a supporting feature called my life locker.To use it, name at least one close friend or family member as keyholder, who will be notified of their responsibilities and given a secure ID to access your documents at the appropriate time. When you become mentally incapacitated or die, your keyholder can request to view your documents on the server. An automatic notification is sent to you explaining that a keyholder is attempting to view your documents. The documents are released to the keyholder if you do not respond to the notification within a specific period of time.Willful WillsLaunched in 2017, Willful Wills is available in Ontario and Alberta, with British Columbia on deck.Its essentials package costs $99, which includes a last will and testament and allows you to take care of your estate and allocate property, make funeral wishes known, and plan for your children and their inheritance.The premium plan costs $150 and includes everything in the essentials package plus a power of attorney for personal care and property. It also allows you to plan for an emergency.点击展开...安省的遗嘱可以不需要见证人。楼主的例子是"Two online solutions",如果不是online solution呢?其实安省遗嘱最简单、最省钱、最容易更改的方式,是手写遗嘱+签名,英文名称是 holograph will 。一分钱不用花,与律师遗嘱、公正遗嘱等其它形式的遗嘱具有相同的法律效力。
三口之家ebates.ca 推荐链接http://www.ebates.ca/referrer?referrerid=dh/du73U4bo=网上购物 shop.ca 推荐链接 http://www.shop.ca?plcktb=ZwJzXWwCbQ2安省的遗嘱可以不需要见证人。楼主的例子是"Two online solutions",如果不是online solution呢?其实安省遗嘱最简单、最省钱、最容易更改的方式,是手写遗嘱+签名,英文名称是 holograph will 。一分钱不用花,与律师遗嘱、公正遗嘱等其它形式的遗嘱具有相同的法律效力。点击展开...请问,可以用中文写这份遗嘱吗?
byronxing 说:安省的遗嘱可以不需要见证人。楼主的例子是"Two online solutions",如果不是online solution呢?其实安省遗嘱最简单、最省钱、最容易更改的方式,是手写遗嘱+签名,英文名称是 holograph will 。一分钱不用花,与律师遗嘱、公正遗嘱等其它形式的遗嘱具有相同的法律效力。点击展开...遗嘱的目的是为了防止未来财产纠纷,只有见证人的遗嘱未来如果一旦受到质疑,如果其中操作略有失误或者不是很可信,未必会被判定100%有效,担心的是其中如果某个小操作受到质疑的情况。通过律师行办理的遗嘱,律师会尽量走一个程序、搜索各种信息,来防止有其他CLAIM或者LIEN对遗嘱里涉及的财产有索求权。但也未必100%能够被判定有效,毕竟有些BUSINESS MAN的各种复杂融资,债权债务关系可能影响到财产。网上这种认证估计对付家庭内部各种纠纷和质疑足够了。一旦涉及法律概念,很难有100%精准判定是非黑白的绝对标准,都是一个概念式的描述,否则法律就会有明显的漏洞可以被人钻。每个案例的具体情况要根据标准和条文来解读和判定是否符合这个概念。
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