加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息该关了:现在是加拿大认真对待社会隔离的时候
该关了:现在是加拿大认真对待社会隔离的时候了André Picard现在该关了,加拿大需要接受社会隔离。这意味着暂时关闭学校(从托儿所到大学),限制进入医院和疗养院的使用,停止参加体育赛事等群众聚会,减少所有不必要的旅行,并敦促公司让员工在家工作。对于一个迄今只有约100例确诊病例的国家来说,这似乎是极端的,但是我们再也无法制止这种大流行病了,只能放慢速度。加拿大的公共卫生官员已经接受了对冠状病毒的冷静,审慎的反应。 这对我们有益,必须继续下去。社会疏远意味着限制我们的公共互动。 这并不意味着全面隔离,关闭我们的边界和其他严厉措施。加拿大是一个民主国家。我们必须尊重个人权利,但也要提醒公民集体责任。关于冠状病毒,从“这没什么大不了”到“这就是我们所知道的世界末日”,有各种各样的意见。真相在中间。但这是一种大流行,我们必须谨慎行事。作为一个开放的社会,我们必须从韩国而不是中国吸取我们的冠状病毒应对课程,这两个国家都使用明显不同的方法来控制疫情。受到冠状病毒侵害的韩国早日遭受重创,对此采取了应对措施,包括自愿进行社会隔离,进行大规模测试,将公共卫生交流作为优先事项,清洁公共空间,就像没有明天一样,并投资了各种措施以减轻经济影响。爆发。这正是加拿大需要做的-从观望方式转变为行动方式。最近几天,发生了非常重要的变化:加拿大的新病例不再仅仅局限于前往中国和伊朗等高风险国家的人们。冠状病毒现在正在社区,会议,疗养院以及可能在未来几天中我们将了解的许多其他地方传播。人们现在正在感染COVID-19,我们不知道感染源。这意味着它在社区中的数量很大。我们必须主动寻找可扩展到最大范围的测试案例,包括家庭测试和直通测试(韩国的一项创新),以防止人们进入急诊室。我们还需要周到的政策来支持因社会疏远而受到伤害的加拿大人,从简化的就业保险到对父母的支持,包括为从事基本服务的人提供的紧急日托服务。联邦政府周三宣布的10亿美元刺激计划仅仅是一个开始。病毒在世界各地疾驰的方式,我们知道临界点即将到来。这不是战略是否会改变的问题,而是何时。就是现在。现在已经到了从遏制扩散到减轻不可避免的扩散带来的危害的时候了。传染病界有一种说法,就是一旦知道病毒在哪里,它就已经传播了。在社区中(在不列颠哥伦比亚省,安大略省以及在我们南部这个大国中,令人震惊的数量),冠状病毒的存在,我们再也无法阻止这种病毒的传播了。但是我们可以放慢速度。在接下来的几天里,您会听到很多“平滑曲线”的说法。假设您要爬山:您可以突然缩放,也可以进行长时间的缓慢爬升才能到达同一点。对于处理冠状病毒的卫生系统,尤其是像加拿大这样的长期拥挤的系统,处理病例的缓慢而缓慢的增长要比突然增加要容易得多。这就是为什么社交距离很重要。以理论上的风险破坏日常生活是一件很难的事。但是,我们不能成为一个行动迟缓的意大利,如今付出了沉重的代价,有10,000多起案件,600例死亡和经济崩溃的意大利。意大利拥有出色的医疗保健系统,但据一位高级官员称,COVID-19像炸弹一样击中了该国,严峻的现实应作为加拿大卫生官员的警惕之举。现在是为最坏的情况做准备的时候了。我们需要引用冰球名星韦恩·格雷茨基的那句不朽的经典:“溜到冰球哪里去,而不是呆在这里等着。”
Shut it down: It’s time for Canada to get serious about social distancingAndré PicardPublished March 11, 2020It’s time to shut it down.Canada needs to embrace social distancing.That means closing down schools (from daycares through to universities) temporarily, restricting access to hospitals and nursing homes, pulling the plug on mass gatherings such as sporting events, curtailing all non-essential travel and urging companies to have their employees work at home.This may seem extreme for a country that has only about 100 confirmed cases to date, but we can no longer stop this pandemic illness, just slow it down.Public health officials in Canada have embraced a calm, measured response to coronavirus. That has served us well and must continue.Social distancing means limiting our public interactions. It doesn’t mean mass quarantine, shutting down our borders and other draconian measures.Canada is a democracy. We must respect individual rights, but also remind citizens of their collective responsibilities.There is a broad range of opinions on coronavirus from “this is no big deal” to “this is the end of the world as we know it.”The truth lies somewhere in the middle. But this is a pandemic and we must err on the side of caution.As an open society, we must take our coronavirus response lessons from South Korea, not China – both countries that have reined in their outbreaks using markedly different approaches.South Korea, hit early and hard by coronavirus, has responded by embracing voluntary social distancing, testing massively, making public health communication a priority, cleaning public spaces like there is no tomorrow and investing in a broad range of measures to blunt the economic impacts of the outbreak.That is exactly what Canada needs to do – move from a wait-and-see approach to a roll-up-our-sleeves and act approach.In recent days, a singularly important change has happened: New cases in Canada are no longer exclusively in people who travelled to high-risk countries such as China and Iran.Coronavirus is now spreading in the community, at conferences, in nursing homes and likely many other places we will learn about in the coming days.People are now being infected with COVID-19 and we don’t know the source of infection. That means it is present in the community in significant numbers.We have to pro-actively seek out cases with greatly expanded testing, up to and including at-home and drive-thru testing (a South Korean innovation), to keep people from going to the emergency room.We also need thoughtful policies to support Canadians harmed by social distancing, from streamlined employment insurance to support for parents, including emergency daycare for people working in essential services. The $1-billion package from the federal government announced Wednesday is just a start.The way the virus has been galloping around the world, we knew the tipping point was coming. It was not a question of whether the strategy was going to change, but when.The time is now. The time has arrived to shift from trying to contain spread to mitigating the harm from inevitable spread.There is a saying in infectious disease circles that once you know where a virus is, it has already moved on. With coronavirus in the community – in B.C., Ontario and in alarming numbers in that big country just to the south of us – we can’t stop the spread anymore. But we can slow it.You will hear the term “flattening the curve” a lot in the coming days. Imagine you are going to climb a mountain: You can scale abruptly or you can do a long, slow climb to arrive at the same point. For a health system dealing with coronavirus – especially a chronically overcrowded one such as Canada’s – dealing with a long, slow rise in cases is much easier than an abrupt increase.That’s why social distancing matters.Disrupting everyday life for a theoretical risk is a hard sell. But we can’t afford to become Italy, a country that was slow to act and is now paying a massive price, with more than 10,000 cases, 600 deaths and a collapsing economy.Italy has an excellent health-care system and yet COVID-19 has hit it “like a bomb” according to a senior official, a grim reality that should serve as a cautionary tale for Canadian health officials.The time to prepare for the worst is now.We need to, in the immortal, if clichéd, words of hockey great Wayne Gretzky, “Skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.”
观文观人观世界。新冠病毒蔓延带来的混乱局势席卷意大利全国,当局表示“没有时间了”,为了阻止病毒进一步扩散,意大利当局已经决定紧急封城,禁止所有公共活动,包括关闭电影院、健身房和酒吧,取消葬礼和婚礼,也暂停包括意甲联赛在内的体育比赛。意大利的今天,就是加拿大的明天!点击展开...早知今日 何必当初呢!多说了五个字!下次我要记住这个错
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