根据CTV News报道,安省政府正在向省内城市拨款1.5亿加元,以帮助他们增加住房容量。但省长表示,所有旨在防止今年秋季住房容量大减的扶持计划都需要联邦政府来支持。安省正在为其社会服务救济计划增加1.5亿加元,这使自COVID-19疫情爆发以来的总拨款达到3.5亿加元。安省内的城市将能够使用这笔拨款来增加其住房容量,并制定新的计划来帮助无家可归或残障人士度过由疫情引起的住房困难。

Ontario premier urges feds to 'just cut us a cheque' to help rescue struggling cities
The Ontario government is giving cities another $150 million to help them increase shelter capacity, but the Premier says any major rescue package to keep cities from making drastic cuts this fall will have to come from the feds.toronto.ctvnews.ca评论
Tory wants Trudeau and Ford to figure out municipal funding now

Tory wants Trudeau and Ford to figure out municipal funding now
Mayor John Tory says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Doug Ford need to “go in a room” in order to sort out some much-needed municipal funding for Toronto in the wake o…www.thewhig.com多伦多市长要求联邦政府总理和省长给多伦多钱。 这位市长确实着重做两件事情,一个是在媒体上露面,几乎是从早到晚在不同的地方露脸和讲话,另一个是要钱,向上级政府要和向老百姓要。 ·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
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