
魁北克政府回应一当地报纸关于英语正在蒙特利尔地区占主导的报道说,政府没有加强魁北克语言法的计划。魁省文化部长Christine St-Pierre认为,这取决于消费者是否坚持需要提供法语服务。本事件源于蒙特利尔日报Le Journal de Montreal周一的报道。该报一女记者在圣诞期间进行了卧底调查,得出的结论是:蒙特利尔地区15%的服务行业雇主愿意雇用她,虽然她申明她不会讲法语。文化部长拒绝了要求改变魁省语言法(即101法案)的建议,该法案要求小型企业在工作场所需要使用法语。她说改变该法案将成为一场官僚梦魇。她指出,蒙特利尔城区法语仍然占据主导地位,而且有研究表明,被调查的2500家企业中有90%提供法语服务。The Quebec government has no plans to toughen Quebec's language laws in response to a local newspaper report that English is being used predominantly in the Montreal area.Quebec Culture Minister Christine St-Pierre says it's up to the consumer to insist on being served in French.In a report Monday, a reporter with Le Journal de Montreal said 15 of 100 service industry employers where she applied for work in the Montreal area during Christmas agreed to hire her, despite the fact she told them she couldn't speak French.St-Pierre rejects the idea of changing Quebec's language charter, also known as Bill 101, obliging small businesses to require French in the workplace.She says changing the charter would be a bureaucratic nightmare.St-Pierre says downtown Montreal is still predominantly French and a study shows that 90 per cent of the 2,500 businesses visited provided service in French.[Source:THE CANADIAN PRESS]
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖
回复: 这几天报纸报道关于语言法案的事上了3堂法语课,痛苦ing.
回复: 这几天报纸报道关于语言法案的事好象看过,我看的那个版本是主人公只会说法语“你好”,然后去应召,也是不少公司愿雇她。虽然报纸没说明观点,但把这些荒唐的表述引用和陈述上来,本身就是态度。 魁北瓜这样弄下去的结果就是越来越萎缩。又想起来一个怪事,中国在温哥华,多伦多,卡尔加里都有总领馆,为什么蒙特利尔没有?包括美国在蒙特利尔也没有领事馆。
回复: 这几天报纸报道关于语言法案的事等他独立了,就有大使馆了.
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