i'm working in a bilingual company, in most cases, the manager speaks in french when we hold meetings as most team members are francophone. My french is not good enough, to be honest, i'm often get lost when they are pouring french stuff.... What I should do when facing this situation? Anyone here can give me some suggestion? thank you in advance.
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 赏

11,823 $0.00 回复: About FrenchIt will come with time. You don't need to worry. It is so normal that you will have some difficulty in the beginning. Ask question apropriately. Whenever you have the opportunity, talk in french, ask question from time to time for the words heard frequently. You can also follow some French trainning program. It helps for sure, but it takes a lot of your spare time.Keep up! There are so many people who talk in French only, but you can also talk in English, Chinese also...评论
回复: About Frenchi'm working in a bilingual company, in most cases, the manager speaks in french when we hold meetings as most team members are francophone. My french is not good enough, to be honest, i'm often get lost when they are pouring french stuff.... What I should do when facing this situation? Anyone here can give me some suggestion? thank you in advance. 点击展开...1 如果希望在此长做,就加紧提高法语,工作场合多交流,不懂就问+自我强化学习+在其它场合讲法语 2 实在痛苦,就换一个公司,只要英语精通,找个工作也没问题。
回复: About FrenchIt will come with time. You don't need to worry. It is so normal that you will have some difficulty in the beginning. Ask question apropriately. Whenever you have the opportunity, talk in french, ask question from time to time for the words heard frequently. You can also follow some French trainning program. It helps for sure, but it takes a lot of your spare time. Keep up! There are so many people who talk in French only, but you can also talk in English, Chinese also...点击展开...Thank you so much vicky. i appreciate your suggestion much.
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: About French在我们以前单位里,只要你听不懂或者有疑问,不管是谁在发言,不管什么情况,直接打断他,让他重新说,一直到你听懂为止。
2006.2.10 FN2007.9.12 收到ME 2007.10.3 体检2007.10.23 EMS补料 2007.11.14 信用卡划款2008.1.7 DM2008.1.20 PL...回复: About Frenchvas l'apprendre
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