The whole week from Sep 22nd is available online for booking in Montreal consulate now!!! Come on if you are waiting for such a chance! it's 9h30 am now.
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 赏
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!对于下半年想去美国旅游,或者因为机票便宜而经过美国回国的朋友们,赶紧去签吧,建议大家去渥太华签更容易获得10年签证。https://www.nvars.com/Production/UserLogin.aspx
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!Great news, will try to get it tonight! yay! woohoo!!woupidou!!!
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!Update --- appointment available on Oct 2nd, 6th, 8th, but I want to make it in Sep. Keep refreshing
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!对于下半年想去美国旅游,或者因为机票便宜而经过美国回国的朋友们,赶紧去签吧,建议大家去渥太华签更容易获得10年签证。https://www.nvars.com/Production/UserLogin.aspx点击展开...渥太华容易吗?我2个朋友,都是单身女生,去签都被据了
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!渥太华容易吗?我2个朋友,都是单身女生,去签都被据了点击展开...女生?学生估计哪里都不容易。我说的是移民
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!任务完成,刷到一个九月22号的。soleil_lee, 你太可爱,太有才了,感谢你的信息!Kiss you
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!我刷了好久了都没有刷到,,5555555,,还是谢谢soleil-lee
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!怎么预约个美国签证这么难? Bureaucrat!!
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!任务完成,刷到一个九月22号的。soleil_lee, 你太可爱,太有才了,感谢你的信息!Kiss you点击展开...God Luck!! you made the appointment as the same day as me!
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!我前边看到多伦多一个女生,语言学校的,10年,可能是太漂亮了,visa officer有些找不着北。
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖God Luck!! you made the appointment as the same day as me!点击展开...
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!"APPLICATION FEE: Every applicant must pay a U.S. $131.00 application fee in exact U.S. cash only" - Does it mean I will have to pay3*131=U.S. $393? Oh, that's not what I would like.
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!"APPLICATION FEE: Every applicant must pay a U.S. $131.00 application fee in exact U.S. cash only" - Does it mean I will have to pay3*131=U.S. $391? Oh, that's not what I would like.点击展开...Yes, unfortunately, you have to pay $391.When I applied my US visa in 2006, the application fee was only $100 /person.
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!Should be 393, not 391 - 2$ discount is nothing, hehe!393! tabarnac, TNNDYes, unfortunately, you have to pay $393.When I applied my US visa in 2006, the application fee was only $100 /person.点击展开...
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!Should be 393, not 391 - 2$ discount is nothing, hehe!393! tabarnac, TNND点击展开...And you cannot bring your bag into it. You have to put all your files, pens and passports into a transparent folder, that's all you can bring with. Oh, of course, you can bring your wallet...
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!BTW, did you get a ten years Visa?What will happen if the passport has expired but not the Visa? will have to apply it again after I get my passport renewed? Yes, unfortunately, you have to pay $391.When I applied my US visa in 2006, the application fee was only $100 /person.点击展开...
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!Million thanks for your reminding
回复: American Visa interview is available online now!!!当时怎么不拿出你的梆梆,跟他个当头棒喝?我前边看到多伦多一个女生,语言学校的,10年,可能是太漂亮了,visa officer有些找不着北。点击展开...
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