We get the final success after fighting with concordia for nearly one month!I chose a graduate course in concordia last term but only got B- as the final grade, which is far worse than i imagined. BTW, i got an A for the other one.Later, I knew from internet that not only me, but 1/3 classmates were not satisfied with their final grades and we were angry on the prof's evaluation criteria.in the passed one month, we evelen students talked to prof, director of program several times. Everytime was a very tough talk to persuade them to believe that we were unfairly evaluated and choose a true faire method.Anyway, we win the battle finally. The prof and director informed us this noon that they accept our propositon of counting the final grade and all us 11 students will get better grades than before. The new ones will be ready in three weeks.
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiaCongratulations!
- - - - - 50=32*18 - - - - - - - - - - -御枫而行- - - - - -回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiacongratulations
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiaCongs and just beat those white bastards up
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiabien joue garcon soleil for the class action!!go soleil go....
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiafelicitation!
别忘了给我加声望哦.谢谢.回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiafelicitations!
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiaCongratulations! Some professors in Concordia are just arrogant. They have too many immigrant students and think everybody is BEGGING for admission/funding/degree/job, so they just do whatever they want to do.
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia有这么难吗?康大老师一般给分都很松的,除了个别标新立异的家伙,但是肯定他坚持不了几次就被学生整得服服帖帖了。
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordiaCongratulations! Some professors in Concordia are just arrogant. They have too many immigrant students and think everybody is BEGGING for admission/funding/degree/job, so they just do whatever they want to do.点击展开...越是这种老师越是有问题的,很多一部分是来自美国的博士,他们在美国呆不下去,来这里混身份,但是内心不甘心,满脸看不起的样子,自然显露得傲慢,千万别太看得起他们,他们混到身份了,有的就会回去美国了,很多人并不适合当老师,都不知道怎么为人师表,有的讲课似乎跟他答辩场面类似。真正有水的会长期呆在这里的老师基本都很谦卑和和善的,否则他也呆不长时间啊,这点道理谁都明白。这种老师康大最多,麦吉尔很少。
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia支持太阳李我也很不幸,HEC的IT课的那个老头歧视中国人,给中国人的成绩都超低。你想想,都是开卷考试,大家能差多少?我们已经约好去理论了
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia支持太阳李 我也很不幸,IT课的那个老头歧视中国人,给中国人的成绩都超低。你想想,都是开卷考试,大家能差多少?我们已经约好去理论了点击展开...你也上了康大?
Delight In Simple Pleasures![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia干脆退了吧。
一个人不会孤独, 因为我心还有佛祖你也上了康大?点击展开...Sorry,我没说清楚,我读的是HEC。HEC的老师都挺好的,怎么碰上这么一个变态老头
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia支持太阳李我也很不幸,HEC的IT课的那个老头歧视中国人,给中国人的成绩都超低。你想想,都是开卷考试,大家能差多少?我们已经约好去理论了点击展开...你们不是因为participation的问题吧,我们系主任开课时候的说法是:如果你们是来heating chair的,那么15%的participation一分都不会有。哪个老头?我觉得这里的老师都不错啊,我的建模课每次作业都是A+,瓜们的成绩都比我低不少,没觉得有歧视。
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia你们不是因为participation的问题吧,我们系主任开课时候的说法是:如果你们是来heating chair的,那么15%的participation一分都不会有。哪个老头?我觉得这里的老师都不错啊,我的建模课每次作业都是A+,瓜们的成绩都比我低不少,没觉得有歧视。点击展开...Wybo,就是管SAP的那个老师。我下周去查期末的成绩,看到卷子再说。 还以为是我考的不好,一问才知道中国人的成绩都特别低。其中有几个上课发言超级积极的跟我们一样。
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia呃,没见过此人,好在我选的两门SAP certification的课都是另外一个人教……但是,SAP alliance的负责人是我这个老师啊,Pierre-Majorique。我艹,看了一下wybo的简历,来头吓死人啊,明尼苏达的MIS博士,MIS学科的发源地啊……
回复: get the final success in fighting against the prof in concordia呃,没见过此人,好在我选的两门SAP certification的课都是另外一个人教……但是,SAP alliance的负责人是我这个老师啊,Pierre-Majorique。点击展开...刚在MSN上跟上届师哥问了,此人是HEC知名杀手 你最好别选他的课。
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