加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$


What's better than giving your fourth or fifth grader a lift ticket? How about giving them hundreds! When you purchase a SnowPass you can get up to three free lift ticket coupons at each of the participating ski/snowboard areas. That means this season you have hundreds of chances to ski/ride for Free! And just when you thought the SnowPass program couldn't get better, it got a whole lot easier. This year SnowPass registration is completely digital. Just visit www.snowpass.ca, complete the registration form, upload a photo, proof of age/grade and pay the administration fee using your credit card. Your child's very own Grade 4 & 5SnowPass will be mailed straight to your door giving you hundreds of ways to save this season. SnowPass applications are open to anyone in grade 4 or 5 (or who was born in 1999-2000). With over 150 different participating ski/snowboard areas - 95 in the East (Ontario to Newfoundland) and 58 in the West (Manitoba to B.C and Yukon Territory) - everyone can take advantage of this amazing deal. Your child will receive the SnowPass for the province/region where they live. For instance, if you live in Ontario, they will receive the Eastern SnowPass and if they live in B.C., they will receive the Western SnowPass. Your child's grade 4 and 5 SnowPass Booklet is valid from December 1st to the end of the season. It includes up to three ski-free coupons for each and every participating ski/snowboard area and is their personal ticket to winter fun. And if you think that's great, the SnowPass also includes coupons for amazing deals on lessons and rentals at more than 30 ski/snowboard areas! Some participating areas even offer a bonus grade 6 coupon that can be used next season - just another way we're keeping you on the slops even longer! So what's better than getting your child out and active this winter? The savings. The SnowPass program offers you hundreds of opportunities to save money and with our new, online registration we are saving you time. Learn more about the grade 4 and 5 SnowPass online at www.snowpass.ca or www.passeportdesneiges.ca. You can also pick up an application form from your Child's grade 4 or 5 elementary school teachers or at Sport Mart, Sport Chek, Sports Experts, and Intersport stores Canada-wide. [/FONT][/COLOR]

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SONWPASS,帮你省$$$Thanks for sharing. We need to wait for another year to qualify this.

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SONWPASS,帮你省$$$我一点都帮不上。

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$每年都可以申请。请保留网址。我为大女儿申请了2年,现在给二女儿申请。神话,你也快了。

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$每年都可以申请。请保留网址。我为大女儿申请了2年,现在给二女儿申请。神话,你也快了。点击展开...木兄的意思是神话在外面还有个快读4,5年级的孩子?

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$谢谢,很有用的信息。

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$不是很懂,孩子有了票之后是固定的时间到固定的地点去滑雪吗?是有组织有活动的吗?另外,今年不申请,明年年龄超了就没机会了吗?大人不会滑雪如何陪孩子呀?

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$木兄的意思是神话在外面还有个快读4,5年级的孩子?点击展开...请不要这样说我们的神话老板。他够辛苦的了。如果我说你老兄也快了。难道你也有小三在外?

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$不是很懂,孩子有了票之后是固定的时间到固定的地点去滑雪吗?是有组织有活动的吗?另外,今年不申请,明年年龄超了就没机会了吗?大人不会滑雪如何陪孩子呀?点击展开...这只给这个年龄段的孩子。过期作废。 邮寄费用,加捐款, 才20来元。陪同的大人还优惠。查你们自己的所在社区,一般都有滑雪冬令营。"圣老航"每年都有, 8各周末。每个周末1天时间。有教练教孩子的, 现在我们家老大,老二都可以上黑钻带了。如果你有这个SONWPASS, 社区还会给优惠价格参加滑雪。另外时间,你去滑雪,可以用这个本本上的票,让孩子免费, 大人有优惠价。至少“汤不辣 ”是这样。

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$请不要这样说我们的神话老板。他够辛苦的了。如果我说你老兄也快了。难道你也有小三在外?点击展开...木木兄,一场误会,呵呵。

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$木木兄,一场误会,呵呵。点击展开...你做着银行店倌,不用风餐露宿。当然生活容易。 到最有可能出轨。是不是?

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$你做着银行店倌,不用风餐露宿。当然生活容易。 到最有可能出轨。是不是?点击展开...那这么一说,木老板就更容易拉,又有钱,又到处跑,又经常香车美女陪伴。。。。。。。。

回复: 快给你的孩子申请SNOWPASS,帮你省$$$那这么一说,木老板就更容易拉,又有钱,又到处跑,又经常香车美女陪伴。。。。。。。。点击展开...我倒是希望有这个实力+时间+精力+勇气+胆量+体魄去面对这些。可惜没有。至少这辈子没有机会了。至今滑雪还停留在绿带。

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