加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Montréal地区招聘建筑电工3名
要求:1. 有CCQ颁发的Compagnon电工证或CCQ颁发的学徒电工证;2. 认真、踏实的工作态度;3. 头脑清晰;4. 体力好;5. 不要求有本地经验,但要求会结合工作不断提高;6. 自备工具包括:常用手动工具和电动无线手钻;7. 自备劳保用品:电工鞋、手套、安全帽;8. 自备交通工具;待遇:1. 试用期: 160工作小时,根据实际能力起薪10~15/小时,现金;2. 试用期结束后,根据实际能力确定工资,10~30/小时,现金或支票;申请方法:请将个人简历发到Email:[email protected]
- - - - - 50=32*18 - - - - - - - - - - -御枫而行- - - - - -要求: 1. 有CCQ颁发的Compagnon电工证或CCQ颁发的学徒电工证; 2. 认真、踏实的工作态度; 3. 头脑清晰; 4. 体力好; 5. 不要求有本地经验,但要求会结合工作不断提高; 6. 自备工具包括:常用手动工具和电动无线手钻; 7. 自备劳保用品:电工鞋、手套、安全帽; 8. 自备交通工具; 待遇: 1. 试用期: 160工作小时,根据实际能力起薪10~15/小时,现金; 2. 试用期结束后,根据实际能力确定工资,10~30/小时,现金或支票; 申请方法: 请将个人简历发到Email:[email protected]点击展开...Hi Vincent, Suddenly found this post and need u advice.Do u know any "construction electrician" trainning facilities in Montreal? I have briefly checked those websites based on the information from this website but found no positive answer yet. Hope it is not trouble you too much. Thanks!
回复: Montréal地区招聘建筑电工3名Hi Vincent, Suddenly found this post and need u advice.Do u know any "construction electrician" trainning facilities in Montreal? I have briefly checked those websites based on the information from this website but found no positive answer yet. Hope it is not trouble you too much. Thanks!点击展开...For English: http://www2.inforoutefpt.org/guide/anglo/lst_inst_sec.asp?QCodeProgramme=5795&QRegion=6For French: http://www2.inforoutefpt.org/guide/lst_inst_sec.asp?QCodeProgramme=5295&QRegion=6 Although the name is 'Electricity', they are all good for 'Construction Electrician'.
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