加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息研究人员称,他们已经发现了诺亚方舟(Thursday,
http://news.sympatico.ctv.ca/home/contentposting?feedname=CTV-TOPSTORIES_V3&showbyline=True&date=true&newsitemid=CTVNews%2f20100429%2fnoahs-ark-found-100429(原文) A team of evangelical Christian researchers say they've discovered Noah's ark near the peak of Mount Ararat in Turkey. The group, from Noah's Ark Ministries International in Hong Kong, says its members "successfully excavated and ventured inside a large wooden structure" 4,000 metres above sea level. Samples of wood taken from the structure were carbon dated to 4,800 years old, NAMI's website says, and Turkish government officials plan to apply for UNESCO World Heritage site designation. "The structure is partitioned into different spaces," said one of the researchers, Man-fai Yuen. "We believe that the wooden structure we entered is the same structure recorded in historical accounts and the same ancient boat indicated by the locals." According to many Christians, Noah's ark came to rest somewhere in Turkey. In the Bible, the ark protected Noah, his family, and a pair of each species of animal on the planet during a cataclysmic flood. The researchers filmed one journey into the purported ship. A short video clip posted on their website shows several people wearing head lamps, descending into a deep crack in a glacier. One member of the expedition takes a sample from what looks like a curved, wooden wall. Floorboards are dimly visible in another shot. The team says they found the structure in 2007 and 2008, and returned with a film crew in October 2009. "I saw a structure built with plank-like timber," said Panda Lee, a member of the group, speaking about an October 2008 expedition to the site. "Each plank was about eight inches wide. I could see tenons, proof of ancient construction predating the use of metal nails." "I could see broken wood fragments embedded in a glacier, and some 20 metres long. I surveyed the landscape and found that the wooden structure was permanently covered by ice and volcanic rocks." NAMI has not disclosed the site's location, saying only that it's embedded in ice near the mountain's peak. Some experts are skeptical about the finding. If the ark was deposited in Turkey, moving ice likely would have swept it away ages ago. Also, there is no evidence of a catastrophic flood in Turkey around the time that the Ark would have taken to the high seas. The Hong Kong group follows in the footsteps of other explorers who claimed they had found the biblical craft. In 2006, a team of Christian archaeologists said they had located a piece of rock in the mountains of Iran, which they thought was a piece of the ark. In 2004, an American businessman and Christian activist claimed he had located the ark below the ice on Mount Ararat, using satellite imagery. However, the Turkish government refused to grant him a permit to launch an excavation. ***************如果这个证据是准确的,4,800 years old,那么大洪水是公元前2800年事情,现在就不是不清楚出伊甸园的时间了。
悔改吧!主的日子近了回复: 研究人员称,他们已经发现了诺亚方舟(Thursday, April 29, 2010 | 11:29 PM)他们怎么预测到灾难发生时间,然后又怎么能造那么大的船
回复: 研究人员称,他们已经发现了诺亚方舟(Thursday, April 29, 2010 | 11:29 PM)公元前2800年, 就是孔子出生前300年, 也就是比大禹治水时代晚了好几千年。
回复: 研究人员称,他们已经发现了诺亚方舟(Thursday, April 29, 2010 | 11:29 PM)公元前2800年, 就是孔子出生前300年, 也就是比大禹治水时代晚了好几千年。点击展开...大禹治水有准确的时间?能准确到300年以内吗?我上百度找了个有叙述的:××××××××××××××××××启是大禹的儿子,而启建立了夏,夏朝(约前22世纪末至约前21世纪初到约前17世纪初),也就是说夏朝距今约4100年左右,而大禹治水的时候启已经出生,(三过家门而不入)大禹治水也就是估计距今约4150年前后20年吧。××××××××××××××××××如果上边这个说法很简单明了,应该是大禹治水比大洪水晚了几百年!(大约600年)因为4800年用的是放射测试,时间是很准确的,所以就跟中国的能有的文化记录5000年有的一比,正好最早的历史说的就是女娲补天。想起是女娲补天开天辟地的故事,再向前也没有文字记载,有说几十万年前的云南元谋人的2颗牙齿或者100万年前的东非人的某块骨头,真的太不可靠,如果那个可靠就说明上帝造人以后持续了100万年才有大洪水,然后再持续2800年出了耶稣,然后再持续2000年到现在,前边的历史明显很不对称。。。不管这个时间,回来看女娲的故事,居然中国的传说跟圣经故事都一样,人都是用泥巴做出来的,就是看不出造人是在大洪水以前什么时候的事情,不过上帝发洪水的时候,女娲正好在中国补天!!!把话说回来,女娲的故事有一小段是说为了惩罚商王,所以派了几个妖怪去把商朝的朝纲搞乱,以至于中国出了助纣为虐的典故。。。看我朝现在这种无法想象的疯狂,跟89那时候一样无法想象,不知道是哪个神仙派了什么妖怪来的,马克思?
悔改吧!主的日子近了回复: 研究人员称,他们已经发现了诺亚方舟(Thursday, April 29, 2010 | 11:29 PM)全球范围内,邪恶的欲望蔓延,可能又到了惩罚的时候,不知道上帝怎么把船票送给我等好人。
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