加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一个学费问题



回复: 一个学费问题去找学校,看学校跟你要什么

回复: 一个学费问题今天看了下学费,我是魁省居民,我一直住在Montreal,但学费按照联邦学生算了,贵了1倍,而我一直没签过Lease,问二房东也拒绝给我开居住证明,还有什么证件可以用的,银行账单可以吗?或者报税表什么的?谢谢!点击展开...你直接把CSQ的复印件交给学校就行,很简单,不用什么lease证明的。

回复: 一个学费问题他没有csq,这还用明说么?。。。没有其他任何办法。。。二房东没有权利做这件事。。。只有房东或是管理员才可以。。其他证明一概没用。。至少我的case是这样。。

回复: 一个学费问题你怎么知道你是魁省居民?你有魁省官方证件,比如太阳卡么?银行是商业机构,没有用。外省人也可以在这里开户。

回复: 一个学费问题你怎么知道你是魁省居民?你有魁省官方证件,比如太阳卡么? 银行是商业机构,没有用。外省人也可以在这里开户。点击展开...有太阳卡,也不一定是魁省居民。

梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。回复: 一个学费问题如果你是从外省以全日制学生身份进入魁省的,即使你住几年,也不是魁省居民。学校按照联邦学生收费,当然比魁省的贵一倍。

回复: 一个学费问题他没有csq,这还用明说么?。。。没有其他任何办法。。。二房东没有权利做这件事。。。只有房东或是管理员才可以。。其他证明一概没用。。至少我的case是这样。。点击展开...惨了,我明明在这里生活,我还工作了一年,有工资单,报税单,这也不算吗???

回复: 一个学费问题提供魁省报税凭证试试。

拉拉驹的博客 拉拉驹之家地图拉拉驹之家相册――为您提供临时住宿服务住宿咨询加微信:lalajuinn ; 预订请邮件:[email protected](最快回复)大陆免费直拨:95040-338-298;台湾免费直拨:(02)40660660+899201-2612# 电话:001-514-313-6395回复: 一个学费问题Q省居民的证明只能是LEASE吗?我签个LEASE然后回别的省,是不是还算Q省居民?

回复: 一个学费问题今天看了下学费,我是魁省居民,我一直住在Montreal,但学费按照联邦学生算了,贵了1倍,而我一直没签过Lease,问二房东也拒绝给我开居住证明,还有什么证件可以用的,银行账单可以吗?或者报税表什么的?谢谢!点击展开...楼主还是问一下学校,需要什么证明文件。

回复: 一个学费问题这里是魁省居民14条,自己对照一下,看你能出具什么证明:(要跟收学费的负责人讲,有时候工作人员对法律条款了解得不多)

操,发个帖这么费劲,还得分2节拉出来。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]1. The student was born in Québec [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You were born in Québec and have a birth certificate that meets MELS criteria.[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]2.The student was considered a Québec Resident in the CEGEP system [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You had Québec resident status in college and are continuing on to university without interrupting your studies for more than two semesters (not including the summer semester).[/FONT]​​[FONT=宋体]3.The student was considered a Québec Resident at another Québec University [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You had Québec resident status in university and are continuing on at another university without interrupting your studies for more than two semesters (not including the summer semester). [/FONT]​​[FONT=宋体]4.The student was issued a Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You have a Québec selection certificate (certificat de sélection du QuébecCSQ).[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体]5.The student has a Parent who is currently a resident of Québec [/FONT][FONT=宋体]One of your parents has his or her main residence in Québec. [/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]The student's Sponsor is currently a resident of Québec [/FONT][FONT=宋体]The person who officially sponsored you to immigrate to Canada has his or her main residence in Québec.[/FONT]​​[FONT=宋体]6.The Student has resided in Québec for twelve consecutive months before the beginning of the semester and was not studying full-time at a Québec educational institution during that 12-month period. [/FONT]​​[FONT=宋体]7.The Student Is a Recipient of Québec Financial Aid [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You are receiving financial assistance from Aide financière aux études du Québec or you are a former recipient and did not interrupt your studies for more than two semesters (not including the summer semester).[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]8.The Student has resided more than 3 months in Québec and less than 3 months in another Province since immigrating to Canada [/FONT][FONT=宋体]At the time of registration or before the end of the semester, you had been residing in Québec for more than three months and you had not resided elsewhere in Canada for more than three months since your arrival in the country.[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]9.The Students’ Legal or Common Law Spouse is a Québec Resident according to one of the situations under Part 2 [/FONT][FONT=宋体]Your spouse is considered a Québec resident according to one of the situations falling under Part 2 of the “Attestation of Residency in Quebec” form. [/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]10.The student is a Member of a Native Nation in Québec [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You are a member of a Native nation in Québec.[/FONT]​​[FONT=宋体]11.The Students’ Parents or Sponsor now reside outside Québec [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You have continued to reside in Québec even though your parents or sponsor no longer reside here.[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]12.The Student was Adopted by a Person who had their Principle Residence in Québec at the Time of the Adoption [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You were adopted by a person residing in Québec at the time of the adoption.[/FONT]​[FONT=宋体][/FONT]​[FONT=宋体]13.The Students’ Parents or Sponsor are Deceased [/FONT][FONT=宋体]Your two parents or sponsor are deceased and one of your parents or your sponsor was residing in Québec at the time of their death.[/FONT]​​[FONT=宋体]14.The student has had Québec Resident status recognized at a Québec educational institution during the last five years and has resided in Québec for three consecutive years during that period. [/FONT][FONT=宋体]You have already been granted Québec resident status in the past and have resided in Québec for three consecutive years in the last five years.[/FONT]​

回复: 一个学费问题我觉得他适用的是第6条 所以需要lease证明 6.The Student has resided in Québec for twelve consecutive months before the beginning of the semester and was not studying full-time at a Québec educational institution during that 12-month period.

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 一个学费问题工资单也行,上次问的

这样的银行,想方设法给你钱165刀。我是服了youhttp://bbs.canadameet.me/showthread.php?p=7168242#post7168242/回复: 一个学费问题一定要去学校的finance aid部门问清楚,每人情况不同,光着急没用。

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