加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息冬季NDG大三半转租
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租已发悄悄话,盼复!
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租能不能说说具体情区,如楼层、面积,小学学区好不好,交通是否便利。请发几张照片。还有,为什么要两个月房租的押金啊?[email protected]
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租我也希望看看照片,我的邮箱是[email protected]可以早点入住吗?
以日月星辰为伴,以沧海桑田为欢回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租[44444
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租还是请说说具体情况,如楼层、面积,小学学区好不好,交通是否便利。
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租我给你发了邮件。
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租没有收到你的邮件啊?
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租ddddd
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租ffff
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租ffff
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 干净宽敞明亮大三半,NDG区ST LUC中学旁,10月中旬到明年3月中旬转租,家具电器非常齐全。月租500,含炉头,冰箱,热水,暖气,上网。(另:需2个月房租押金,煤气及生活用电自理,正常约40/月)E-mail:[email protected].需要押金因为煤气,生活电费都自动划账,上网BELL有60G流量限制,居住期间不需交任何其他费用,煤气和电费最后从押金扣除后如数返还。点击展开...在魁北克省,收租客押金是违法的。小心吃不了兜着走。
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租魁北克省官方网有关租房的法律:http://www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca/en/accueil/accueil.aspWhat is Legal for a Landlord Ask for references for the purposes of a credit check.Require a co-signer for Renters without a steady income.Limit the occupancy of an apartment to a certain number of people, as stipulated in the Lease.Refuse to terminate a Lease at the Renter's request.Ask Renters to leave for a short time period in order to conduct major repairs or renovations. What is Illegal for a Landlord Demand additional amounts on deposit or in another form, for instance, to guarantee keys are returned;Request the last month's rent at the beginning of a Lease.Demand postdated cheques.Request payments exceeding one month's rent.Request credit card information, bank account numbers, passport numbers, social insurance numbers or information about nationality or citizenship.In spite of this, many Landlords will request this type of information and insist that the lease application will not be processed unless it is supplied. If this is the case, you can make an appeal to the Régie du logement du Québec. However, you should also use your own good judgement as to what information you will supply.Refuse the Renter a copy of the Lease. The lease law stipulates that the Renter is entitled to a copy of the signed Lease within 10 days of it being signed. With regards to an oral Lease, the Landlord must also provide a written document with their name and address, and the obligatory provisions of the Lease to the Renter.Increase the rent in mid-Lease.Terminate a Lease before it expires.Forbid a Renter to sublease or assign an apartment, unless the Landlord has a good reason. The reason must be communicated to the Renter within 15 days from the date of the notification.
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租ggggg
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 让你费心了,麻烦你再发个法语版本的我好再看明白些。一屋子的家具和电器,收押金就是为了保护下自己的利益。另外谢谢你帮我变相顶贴。点击展开...你要保护自己的利益,也要守法为前提。魁省法律不允许房主收押金。这个没商量。 顶贴也是让大家清楚魁省法律,尤其新移民。Landlord is not allowed to ask for any type of deposit, as per the Regie du Lodgement.你一屋子的家具和电器,你怕别人用,完全可以租个保险仓存放嘛。放在别人租住的房子里,你交租不?
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租i am planning to arrive in montreal on 6,octomber . i am interested in ur informations and added u my msn . would u mind telling me more detailed informations about that house ? [email protected]
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租ddddd
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租月租500,含炉头,冰箱,热水,暖气,上网。(另:需2个月房租押金,煤气及生活用电自理,正常约40/月)点击展开...我应该写清楚了,押金主要不是电器和家具,这些都无偿提供使用。5个月的煤气,电费,网费都自动划我的账户,也就是这些费用是房客消费我先全部买单。点击展开...5个月煤气电费才200元,你要收2个月1000元押金?不害臊。你是想强行卖了你那点破家具电器不成?不论如何,你敢收押金,别人就可以搞你。
回复: 冬季NDG大三半转租[ddddd
Keep calm and valar morghulis ! 我想问你脑子是不是进水了?200元是你说了算吗?暖气不低于法定20度,有人愿付钱冬天24小时开电暖器在家穿短袖你管得了吗?网络是BELL60G流量限制,有人愿多付钱天天在家下电影你有意见吗?侮辱你人格和智商的话我就不说了。点击展开...蒙特利尔守法的业主多了去了。你执意要违法收押金,你的大脑才是进水了。别人就不交下两个月租金,你也无可奈何。你就哑巴吃黄连吧。
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