加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 持中国护照访问学者如何在加拿大如
拟9月份登陆Montreal在Mcgill做访问学者,想到美国的一些学校看看,或交流或开会,请问如何申请美国签证,比在国内申请容易还是难?有类似经历的发 表一下意见
回复: 持中国护照访问学者如何在加拿大如何申请美国签证第一次发帖,是不是发错地方了
回复: 持中国护照访问学者如何在加拿大如何申请美国签证LZ出发了没有,我是9月27日航班去Montreal。去UoM做访问学者
回复: 持中国护照访问学者如何在加拿大如何申请美国签证已经到蒙特利尔两周了,可以邮件联系,我的信箱[email protected]
回复: 持中国护照访问学者如何在加拿大如何申请美国签证LZ是国内哪个学校的,我也是刚过来到McGill,11月要去美国,现在正在签证,我的邮箱[email protected],qq 114555378
回复: 持中国护照访问学者如何在加拿大如何申请美国签证已经成功申请到美国签证,以下是签证官的interview,写出来供大家参考。Q: What is your state in Canada?A: work permit. I am a visiting scholar sent by Chinese government, and work in McGill university as a clinical research fellow. This is my invitation letter by my supervisor. Q: When did you come to Montreal?A: in September. Two months before.Q: Who pay your salary?A: I got a scholarship from Chinese ministry of education. Chinese government pay for my living stipend. This is the certification of funding.Q: The expiration of your Canada visa is Sep, 2011. Where will you go after Sep 30?A: I will return to China. I am a doctor. My hospital in China will keep my position for me.Q: why you want to go to USA?A: I am a neurologist. I want to attend an ### conference. This meeting will be held in Los Angeles. Q: Do you have any document of this meeting?A: Yes. This is the invitation letter of this meeting. I have already registered this meeting.Q: Are your family in Montreal now?A: No. My family members live in China now. I have a little son, only 3 years old. I miss them.Q: congratulation. We will print your visa in 2 days and then return your passport by mail. You can check the delivery status after 3 work days, and get your passport at Dovarl. A: You are so kind. Thank you. Goodbye.
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