加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?


ZT: http://career-advice.monster.ca/in-the-workplace/work-life-balance/save-money-eat-well-at-work/article.aspx?WT.mc_n=Ycanada_YToday A Lunch Box Full of Dollars? Yearly cost to eat out is surprising By Amanda FrankMonster Contributing Writer I’m what you would call frugally motivated. As a working single parent I have to manage my expenses on a tight budget. I’ve learned to look at food as a necessity not a luxury. Since mastering this ideology I’ve managed to close the big black hole where my money used to get sucked into. It was relatively easy to adapt. I was already taking the time to pack a lunch for my son. I just had to pick up some extra groceries to have on hand. These days I’m making my own food 95% of the time. I’m eating fresh quality food that’s prepared healthy and tailored to my tastes. For a little extra effort I eat much better than my colleagues that opt to buy lunches. And at the end of the month my costs are negligible compared to theirs. Have you looked at your lunch habits lately? Are you eating take-out every day because you don’t see the value in ‘green bagging’ your own lunch from home? Consider a more health conscious and economical alternative. Given the benefits, it seems like backward logic to say it’s too much work to pack a lunch. Food is supposed to sustain us, not the other way around. Why go to work to earn money and then shovel more of it than you need to back into your work expenses? You have nothing to show for it, maybe some extra weight you put on eating at countless restaurants, take out counters and food courts in a single fiscal year. Spending too much money on food is technically akin to flushing it. Read the simulated calculation of what you spend in a year ? it’s a pretty penny ? and maybe you’ll reevaluate how much of your hard earned money should be going towards lunch. Homemade Sandwich = COST PER DAY $2.25, COST PER WEEK $11.25 Approximate Cost breakdown: Your choice of meats or fillers, I’ve calculated for tuna OR turkeyCanned tuna $2 using ¾ can costs $1.50Turkey costs $4.99/lb, if you use 150 grams per sandwich that gives you enough for 3 sandwiches and each costs $1.66Your choice of toppings, here’s my sample selectionLettuce head with 15 leaves is $1.29 each leaf costs you $0.08Tomato $1.29/lb 1 small tomato is 3.25 ounces or $0.2620 slices in a loaf of bread that costs $3.29, you need 2 per sandwich. Your cost is $0.33Homemade Soup = COST PER DAY $0.63, COST PER WEEK $3.16 Approximate Cost breakdown: 8 servings of soup contain roughly the amount of vegetables listed below. Substitute according to taste or what’s available in your fridge to make it even more cost effective. For $5.05 you have a week’s worth of soup and then some.Broccoli $0.99Mushrooms $1.4910 carrots per 2 lb bag costs $2 using 3 will cost $0.6010 stalks of celery cost $2 using 3 will cost you $0.6012 onions per 5 lb bag costs $3 each costs $0.2512 potatoes per 5 lb bag costs $3 each costs $0.25Garlic pack of 3 heads $0.99 so half a head is $0.16350 grams of premium vegetable or chicken stock is $6 (gives you 25 tbsp) using 3 tbsp per soup yields 8 soups, each costs $0.72Homemade soup and sandwich COMBO = COST PER DAY $2.88, AVERAGE COST PER WEEK $14.41 Drink & Snacks from Home = COST PER DAY $1.17, AVERAGE COST PER WEEK $5.85Juice Box = $0.33Huge and juicy red delicious apple at $0.99/lb costs $0.59Pudding $0.99 for a pack of 4 or $0.25 per unitHomemade Soup, sandwich COMBO WITH drink & snacks = COST PER DAY $4.05, AVERAGE COST PER WEEK: $20.26 TAKE OUT OR RESTAURANT LUNCH = COST PER DAY $8-$18, AVERAGE COST PER WEEK $58Cost breakdown: Let’s say you’re conservative 2-3 days a week and only spend $5-7, then spend $11 and $15 not including beverage or snacks. $43 per week. Add one drink & snack at $3 per day, which is $15 per week bringing your weekly lunch total to $58Quiznos or Subways best deals are $5Deli counter sandwich $5-$7Thai Express $11Sit down restaurant lunch special (including tip) $15The Yearly Outlook (based on 49 weeks worth of lunches) Home Packed “Green Bag” Lunch only - cost per year is $706Lunch plus one drink & snacks - cost per year is $993 Store Bought Lunch only - cost per year is $2107Lunch plus one drink & snack - cost per year is $2842 Yearly Salary Savings = $1114 - $1849You will save somewhere in the vicinity of one to two vacations in Cuba. Or for the more conservative amongst us, you can use that saved money to contribute to your RRSP or pay down some credit card debt or student loan. Besides all the new found cash, you also get the satisfaction when you smugly crunch on your juicy apple knowing that you've made a smart choice for yourself. Small changes like this one can help you feel more balanced. And balance leads to happiness.

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?我中饭花13-15刀不等, 那我就吃掉了3185-3675刀。真是很多! 今天开始减肥, 吃色拉, 看要多少钱.

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?大家都自带午餐的话, food court, sandwich cafe, buffet....都要没生意了. 看了木木兄的breakdown, 我要坚持自备午餐了(工作午餐除外).

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?刚刚吃了午饭, 鸡肉色拉+卡普奇诺,12.05刀。 看来商家都算好的, 购买午餐都这个价格。 在纽约,不管是麦当劳,星巴克, 还是别的店, 午餐花费都差不多。我是看到自己重了9磅,赶紧减肥。还要运动。

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?12 pouce, 5 dollars.... -> c'est mon diner.5*22 = 110$ Pas tres cher, n'est ce pas? LOL

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?到不是因为吃的多, 而是喝的多。 中午不管吃啥,我一定需要一杯LARGE卡普奇诺, 这就是将近4刀。

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?午饭基本只吃生西兰花或者生芹菜蘸sauce,加上sauce的成本也就2.5刀最多了。Cappu和Latte也是一定喝,而且每天还不止一大杯,但是公司的咖啡机免费喝,所以就省了。

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?到不是因为吃的多, 而是喝的多。 中午不管吃啥,我一定需要一杯LARGE卡普奇诺, 这就是将近4刀。点击展开...我喜欢Mocha,以前工作公司附近有个星巴克,贡献了不少银子进去.现在公司有个不错的cappuccino machine,也是现放咖啡豆的,而且是离任何一间好咖啡店都有段距离,又是大冬天,所以省了我不少银子.可是现在附近有个麦当劳,而且上班必经,我开始喜欢上吃麦当劳的早餐.:( 不过慑于著名垃圾食品的威名,我一周可以控制在一到两次.

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?这到提醒了我, 一年4*5*49=980刀的中餐咖啡钱。 我可以去买个咖啡机,喝现磨的意大利咖啡。以后中餐只要色拉。将减肥进行到底。

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?我和我老公每天都带饭,只有星期五出去到一个午餐店,不过那里的sandwich真的非常好吃


拉拉驹的博客 拉拉驹之家地图拉拉驹之家相册――为您提供临时住宿服务住宿咨询加微信:lalajuinn ; 预订请邮件:[email protected](最快回复)大陆免费直拨:95040-338-298;台湾免费直拨:(02)40660660+899201-2612# 电话:001-514-313-6395回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?顶到国外要胖的。

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?早就改成吃两顿了,省了一顿,赚了:)点击展开...怪不得这么苗条。 省钱还保持好身材!学习!

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?怪不得这么苗条。 省钱还保持好身材!学习!点击展开...午饭吃了易犯困, 晚饭吃了易发胖, 看来只有大吃早餐, skip其余两餐了. 原来刚去美国时见老美早餐也会吃牛排, 炸薯块... 还觉得奇怪, 现在看来早餐是应该大吃一顿布菲, 然后就over了.

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?午饭吃了易犯困, 晚饭吃了易发胖, 看来只有大吃早餐, skip其余两餐了. 原来刚去美国时见老美早餐也会吃牛排, 炸薯块... 还觉得奇怪, 现在看来早餐是应该大吃一顿布菲, 然后就over了.点击展开...我早就改成早上吃正餐 中午吃SANWITCH 晚上青菜白饭+汤了感觉这样很好 一天不饿 精神饱满 晚上睡觉肚子不顶 BEDAINE越来越小

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)午饭吃了易犯困, 晚饭吃了易发胖, 看来只有大吃早餐, skip其余两餐了. 原来刚去美国时见老美早餐也会吃牛排, 炸薯块... 还觉得奇怪, 现在看来早餐是应该大吃一顿布菲, 然后就over了.点击展开...不对, 肥胖都是吃出来,不分早晚餐。 8月份,我老爸在纽约呆了5天, 天天早上去吃自助餐, 我都不想跨进HILLTON酒店的自助餐厅, 但是为了老爸, 还是陪着。 晚饭都是中餐。 后来老爸到中国打电话说重了4斤, 要减肥。 虽然我现在饥肠辘辘, 因为一早起来铲雪。 但是我还是想熬到1点以后去吃,只吃色拉。

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?不对, 肥胖都是吃出来,不分早晚餐。 8月份,我老爸在纽约呆了5天, 天天早上去吃自助餐, 我都不想跨进HILLTON酒店的自助餐厅, 但是为了老爸, 还是陪着。 晚饭都是中餐。 后来老爸到中国打电话说重了4斤, 要减肥。 虽然我现在饥肠辘辘, 因为一早起来铲雪。 但是我还是想熬到1点以后去吃,只吃色拉。点击展开...你爸的问题是出在晚上那顿中餐上了, 大吃早餐其余都simple simple就不会胖了, 但又饿又馋是肯定的了.

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?我去了东京, 香港和中国老家。 估计是在老家吃胖的, 所以才一下上来9磅。老家,我们自己养鸡,而且是走地鸡,所以鸡蛋,鸡肉是市场上没有的买的那种。菜也是自己种的。而且三餐紧密,早上7点左右大吃一顿,到11点多是中餐, 到下午5点多6点是晚餐。就这样吃肥了。

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?不吃饭也不行啊

回复: ZT:看看一年我们吃掉多少中饭钱?看了老外的餐单就没胃口。天天不是吞那鱼就是火鸡肉三文治。汤永远是个蔬菜汤。她不厌吗?原来老外的蒜,也是按头来算的。去美国出差一个月,跟着老外去吃午餐。TAKE OUT最便宜的PIZZA加汤,三块多。当时看错了,以外一片PIZZA五块多,原来是一个五块多。其余坐下来吃的,FOOD COURT是6-10,餐厅加上小费15-25。有一半时间是自己带饭。四个同事一起煮,一周买菜钱只要七十几块。不过这七十几没包米和调味品。自己煮真是便宜好多,就是太累了。天天煮。最好的办法还是一半自带一半出去吃。在国内基本上是出去吃,中午和同事吃饭是social time。而且也不贵,平均下来一顿17块。

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