忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。 赏 反馈:poohdl2005 2010-12-19#2 J
3,196 $0.00 回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜Atlantic TomcodAlernate names : Tomcod, frostfishScientific name : Microgadus tomcodCommon name in English : Atlantic TomcodIdentificationBody shape : Elongated, slender and moderately compressed. Average size : 15 to 20 cm, up 45 cm.Coloration : Brownish or olive brown with yellow or green shades under the lateral line, darker back, lighter on the sides, black marbling on the back, sides and fins..External features : triangular shaped head, small and numerous teeth, barbel on its chin, three slightly round dorsal fins, two slightly rounded ventral fins under the second and third dorsal fins, narrow pelvic fin, tapering with a long a filament (as long as the rest of the fin), caudal round fins. HabitatCoastal water, not deep, brackish estuary waters and fresh water rivers during spawning season.Small population stationed in the St-Jean Lake. DietEven if it’s the smallest representative of the cod family, the Atlantic tomcod chiefly and especially feeds on small crustaceans. However, it also feeds on worms, molluscs and fishes (smelts, sticklebacks).ReproductionSeason : Winter, December and January. Spawning: In fresh or brackish water, not deep, in sandy bottom or gravel. Estuary and rivers. Mode : Maturity is reached after two years. No nests are built. The number of eggs laid by the female depends on its size: 6 000 to over 65 000 tiny eggs (1,5 mm in diameter) laid down on gravel or on sand. They hatch after 30 days and the young tomcods drift towards brackish waters in estuaries to spend there their first summer.评论
忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜Ice fishing sheltersAll 500 fishing shelters on the St-Anne River are alike. They are heated (most of them with wood), have electric light and have at least one socket. The fishing equipment is already installed and is ready to use.The shelters are furnished with a small table, some chairs, a seat (or a couch) and some benches in front of the fishing lines. However, they aren’t equipped for you to sleep in. It is also possible for you to cook if the stove has a small cooking surface. However, you must bring your own tableware and cooking utensils.The size of the fishing shelter depends on the number of persons you are. The total amount of fishers in a shelter varies from 4 to 35.
忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜Techniques and rulesThe fishing techniques used to catch tomcods are very simple. Even children can become experts at fishing them.To guarantee a good catch, all you need is a piece of pork liver on the end of your hook, making sure the point is carefully hidden. Then, lower the weights to about an inch (one centimeter) from the bottom of the river. A slight movement of your fishing line will tell when a fish is down there. Jiggle your line and bring it up. That’s all there is to it!Studies have shown that the number of fish in the river increases when the tide comes in and when the water is higher. Click here to check tide table. To preserve the fish, throw it immediately outside: it has to freeze rapidly to keep its freshness. No fishing permit is needed to fish tomcods in St-Anne de la Pérade. Moreover, there aren’t any fishing quota. The edible fish left on the ice will be collected by your outfitter and will be brought to a Moisson Mauricie food bank.We are counting on all the fishermen to help maintain the cleanliness of our grounds and to prevent water contamination. There are some trash bins and sanitary installations all around the site.
忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜准备前往的渔场具体位置: J U N E A U - S I M A R D* I C E - F I S H I N G O U T F I T T E R418-325-2142WELCOMES YOU TO THE ICE-FISHING VILLAGE OF STE-ANNE-DE-LA-PÉRADE, QUÉBEC, CANADAGPS LAT 46° 34' 30.1" LONG- 72° 12' 20.6" A unique ice-fishing site, located between Montreal and Quebec City, CanadaOffice # 34 River Site Entry-point # 4
忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜哥钓的不是鱼,是愿者上钩
回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜哥钓的不是鱼,是愿者上钩点击展开...呵呵,哥钓的是鱼,是雪愉呵 垂纶坐冰看江雪渔鱼欲予寓于愉
忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜去年和津华大哥一起去的~~很好玩!
http://www.weibo.com/bleuxixi回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜要上班的呀。
梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜去年钓上来的昨天在从冰箱里清出去.....太多了
战友安家工程www.nextmaison.com回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜一月五号要上班啊。。。
回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜去年我也是响应号召去的,可是没找到组织后来,到了之后就随便找了个小屋进去了......钓了有200多条(4个人)点击展开...去年我拎了10条鱼回家的,多了不知道干什么好
http://www.weibo.com/bleuxixi回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜今年去不成了!明年一起!哈哈
回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜圣诞要回国了,5日赶不回来,等明年了。
回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜
回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜哇,一上来沙发板凳都抢光了,只有在第17层观望了。支持老大。
回复: 寒冰钓鳕-----暖屋尝鲜去年我也是响应号召去的,可是没找到组织后来,到了之后就随便找了个小屋进去了......钓了有200多条(4个人)点击展开...唉,就是因为你没有找到大部队,害的我被一个美眉拉着,一间暖屋挨着一间的寻找她那没有见过的“驴子”帅哥。。。。
忘却江湖观鱼澜,利刀快刃削鸭片,园田菜蔬碎肉拌,开心尽将佳肴献。唉,就是因为你没有找到大部队,害的我被一个美眉拉着,一间暖屋挨着一间的寻找她那没有见过的“驴子”帅哥。。。。点击展开...真的??? 仔细的讲讲很久没有激动了
战友安家工程www.nextmaison.com唉,就是因为你没有找到大部队,害的我被一个美眉拉着,一间暖屋挨着一间的寻找她那没有见过的“驴子”帅哥。。。。点击展开... 老大....那人是我....
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