加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息吃喝玩乐 - 本周日(3月20日)绿帽子节游行别错过了
早上听广播祝贺听众节日快乐,还以为错过了游行,没想到今年推后了.还是老地方,老时间. Sunday, March 20, 201112 Noon at Fort and Ste-Catherine Streets http://www.st-patricks-day.com/st_patricks_day_parades_canada_montreal.html "St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated in Montreal as far back as 1759, after the Conquest, by Irish soldiers of the Montreal Garrison. In 1817, the beginning of the Irish community here, the observance of St. Patrick's day was marked by special dinners and the celebration of religious services.The actual celebration of a St. Patrick's parade commenced on March 17, 1824. Michael O'Sullivan, lawyer and member of the Parliament of Lower Canada(下加拿大指的就是魁北克), was the main organizer of this public display. In 1836 he was appointed Chief Justice of Lower Canada but unfortunately he died in 1839.The St. Patrick's Society of Montreal was founded by prominent Montrealers of Irish heritage on March 17th, 1834. They became the organizers of this parade until 1892.The parades of that era were a manifestation of of the Irish success in the community and parades were held in Old Montreal on the day proper. Church services would precede the parade and a banquet was held after the parade with numerous toasts in celebration."
知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。 赏 反馈:qdrico 2011-03-17#3 Y 231 $0.00 回复: 本周日(3月20日)绿帽子节游行别错过了原来这个中文叫绿帽子节啊~长见识了~哈哈~
回复: 本周日(3月20日)绿帽子节游行别错过了勇气可嘉呀
嘛事儿?嘛事儿都不奇怪。。。回复: 本周日(3月20日)绿帽子节游行别错过了谢谢提醒!
我家的室内植物: http://saleplant.blogspot.ca/回复: 本周日(3月20日)绿帽子节游行别错过了
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