加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP


今天刚刚结束的魁党的全国代表大会已经正式通过这项动议,通过了就意味着2012年之后会实行。自由党是反对的,但它在2012肯定下台,民意太差了,JC是自由党历年来民意最差的总理,在QC历史上实为罕见。101法律通过的背景是当时劳动力的要求不高,高中毕业就不得了了,所以限制中学必须得学法语。可现在劳动力的要求提高了,至少都要专科毕业了,所以就有人提议把101提高到CEGEP层次。还是有它的现实意义的。个人认为现实民意里的独派势力还是很强大的,而且Q省民意有右倾的苗头,如老太太这次获得以93,08%的高票获得党内的支持就是明证,她比那个主持95年公投的Jacques Parizeau的党内支持率还高(91年的时候是92%)。就连PQ之父的René Levésque非正式投票才获得91%的党内支持率。这意味着2012年之后大伙的适应期又会延长几年了,因为得先学好法语才能在QC上CEGEP,或者直接上英语大学。想上学的赶紧上吧,千万不要等到12年之后才上。http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/Politique/2011/04/17/001-marois-pq-dimanche.shtml

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP什么时候101法律适用到大学呢?

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP太坏的消息了,考虑搬家,本来一直舍不得走,但如果这成为事实,一定得搬家了,孩子2012年上大专

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP今天刚刚结束的魁党的全国代表大会已经正式通过这项动议,通过了就意味着2012年之后会实行。自由党是反对的,但它在2012肯定下台,民意太差了,JC是自由党历年来民意最差的总理,在QC历史上实为罕见。101法律通过的背景是当时劳动力的要求不高,高中毕业就不得了了,所以限制中学必须得学法语。可现在劳动力的要求提高了,至少都要专科毕业了,所以就有人提议把101提高到CEGEP层次。还是有它的现实意义的。 个人认为现实民意里的独派势力还是很强大的,而且Q省民意有右倾的苗头,如老太太这次获得以93,08%的高票获得党内的支持就是明证,她比那个主持95年公投的Jacques Parizeau的党内支持率还高(91年的时候是92%)。就连PQ之父的René Levésque非正式投票才获得91%的党内支持率。 这意味着2012年之后大伙的适应期又会延长几年了,因为得先学好法语才能在QC上CEGEP,或者直接上英语大学。想上学的赶紧上吧,千万不要等到12年之后才上。 http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/Politique/2011/04/17/001-marois-pq-dimanche.shtml点击展开...那以后公立的英语cégep就没有了?Dawson,John-Abbot和Vanier都要变成法语授课了?还是进入英语Cégep之前要通过法语考试? 这招狠

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP我个人认为,PQ+BQ 小妾+小三齐努力,独立是早晚的事(通俗地说:没有拆不散的夫妻,只有不努力的小三)。所以想留下的话,好好学好法语。想走的话,赶紧利用资源努力提高英语。1995年,主要是老一辈投反对票。而现在近20年了,新人在魁独的环境下长成,很难有“加拿大”的概念(想想台湾就知道);而在“加拿大”概念下成长的老一辈慢慢地去了天堂。所以如到2015能再公投的话,个人觉得基本上“魁北克共和国(La republique quebecoise)”就会建立。

Disclaimer:以上发或回帖只代表ID为“非洲之夜”的观点,如触犯各位看官利益请与此ID联系。与其马甲下的本人无关回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEPYa LZ is right. I just watched the news. Some PQ delegates said they want to start it as all signs French only.Quebec closer to sovereignty: Gilles Duceppe By Philip Authier, Montreal Gazette April 17, 2011 4:26 PMMONTREAL - Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois's stunning 93-per-cent confidence vote strengthens the sovereignty movement and brings Quebec a step closer to sovereignty, says the leader of the Bloc Québécois.But Gilles Duceppe skirted around questions about his own future given his previously expressed interest in leading the PQ and possibly becoming premier of Quebec."I am not ill at ease at all with this question," Duceppe said Sunday morning, smiling when reporters asked if the score means the end of his dreams."I am working hand in hand with Pauline Marois. I was very happy to hear this result, just as much as Pauline. My goal is to make Quebec a country. I came into politics for that and I'm trying very hard to achieve it."At a PQ party policy convention Saturday, 1,700 delegates voted 93.08 per cent in favour of Marois's leadership. It is a new record for a PQ leader - beating even former leader Jacques Parizeau who is considered, next to René Lévesque, the most popular PQ leader.Enter Duceppe, who - for a period of about 24 hours after former leader André Boisclair's resignation - had his hat in the ring to run. Marois did too at the time, leading Duceppe to eventually withdraw. But there has always been speculation that he would try again if Marois got in trouble in a party known for chewing up its leaders on cue.The vote Saturday changed all that.Arriving for a scheduled speech to PQ delegates - many of whom are also Bloc members - as part of his federal election campaign, Duceppe took the high road."Bravo Pauline Marois," Duceppe said taking to the stage. "Bravo to the future first woman premier of Quebec."Duceppe played the unity card, stressing he needs the help of the PQ to mobilize the sovereignty movement to win federal ridings. The Bloc, he said, will return the favour."My friends, I say this often, before being Péquistes and Bloquistes, we are all sovereignists. We are going to finish the campaign side by side."More united than ever. We have only one task to accomplish. Elect the maximum number of sovereignists in Ottawa and then we go to the next phase. Electing a PQ government."A strong Bloc in Ottawa. A PQ in power in Quebec. And everything re-becomes possible."Later, he added to reporters: "When there is a sovereignist government it brings the possibility of becoming a country closer."When the sovereignty movement is united it is that much stronger."[email protected]

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15我个人认为,PQ+BQ 小妾+小三齐努力,独立是早晚的事(通俗地说:没有拆不散的夫妻,只有不努力的小三)。 所以想留下的话,好好学好法语。想走的话,赶紧利用资源努力提高英语。 1995年,主要是老一辈投反对票。而现在近20年了,新人在魁独的环境下长成,很难有“加拿大”的概念(想想台湾就知道);而在“加拿大”概念下成长的老一辈慢慢地去了天堂。所以如到2015能再公投的话,个人觉得基本上“魁北克共和国(La republique quebecoise)”就会建立。点击展开...faint!

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP我个人认为,PQ+BQ 小妾+小三齐努力,独立是早晚的事(通俗地说:没有拆不散的夫妻,只有不努力的小三)。 所以想留下的话,好好学好法语。想走的话,赶紧利用资源努力提高英语。 1995年,主要是老一辈投反对票。而现在近20年了,新人在魁独的环境下长成,很难有“加拿大”的概念(想想台湾就知道);而在“加拿大”概念下成长的老一辈慢慢地去了天堂。所以如到2015能再公投的话,个人觉得基本上“魁北克共和国(La republique quebecoise)”就会建立。点击展开...有点吓人啊。

加拿大惜缘海参行为您提供多种纯天然野生北极淡干海参。爱琴海刺参,绝对淡干。同时提供加拿大和中国的邮寄服务,邮寄费用请查ups网站。联系电话。514-512-0588那以后公立的英语cégep就没有了?Dawson,John-Abbot和Vanier都要变成法语授课了?还是进入英语Cégep之前要通过法语考试? 这招狠点击展开...

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP换算走运,9月上VANIER,看来三年以后都去加拿大找工作了,离开魁北克国。

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP我个人觉得没有大家想像得那么严重,实话说,如果一个家庭有孩子,若想在此地常住,基础法语还是要会的,否则很多事情都是不方便的,而对于临时过度的家庭,学学法语对你将来或多或少也有点帮助,毕竟加拿大官方语言就是英法语.至于孩子,我觉得不用过于担心,孩子学习语言很快,很多这里的孩子都是双语,即使魁北克本地家庭的孩子也都会学英语的.至于魁北克是否独立,这不是魁北克几个政党说了算的,需要全民公投.

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP这和一中一台,没有太大关系。 大陆和港澳台,是一个种族,一个语言。 而魁北克,Nouveau Brunswick,和加拿大其他8省的区别是, 这边是法兰西民族, 那边是盎格鲁-萨克森人。二战多少小民族都独立啦,而这边 法裔还没有独立,真是够神奇的啦。 不过的确独立是迟早的事情,我们也没有什么大惊小怪的。这些推广到CEGEP也没有什么新奇的。这边魁北克780万人口,有620万法裔,主流社会就是法语社会。中国虽然,号称汉族占主导,但各位如果去过 南疆的和田,喀什,就知道,那边的情况,90%的都是维吾尔,其他6%是讲中亚语系的 乌兹别克,哈萨克,塔吉克等,我们维持那里的统治,只是高压统治。这边也如此, 这边联邦政府耗尽心机, 掏空魁省工业,银行业外移不用说的啦, 就连BMO,号称蒙特利尔银行的,总部都在多伦多啦。联邦投入10亿$给航空业搞研发,结果是投在Mississaga(ON),而不是投在魁北克。联邦给别的省投资几十亿建水电站,Hydro-Quebec的水电站,一个仔都不投。 76年蒙特利尔奥运会, 联邦更是吝啬,加之石油危机,令蒙特利尔到到2008年才将债务偿清。换个角色,你是本地人,你也会狠。这只是会令那些到这里混补助,补习英语,拒绝融入主流社会的人,有些头疼啦。

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/加拿大经济发展的致命伤-十分五裂的政体格局.768849/回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP建立就建立 管他呢 到那时候蒙特利尔的中国人都是双重国籍 魁北克+加拿大

西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP到时候说不准是三重国籍:魁北克+加拿大+中国

知足者常乐,不知足者更要乐。大陆和港澳台,是一个种族,一个语言。 而魁北克,Nouveau Brunswick,和加拿大其他8省的区别是, 这边是法兰西民族, 那边是盎格鲁-萨克森人。二战多少小民族都独立啦,而这边 法裔还没有独立,真是够神奇的啦。 不过的确独立是迟早的事情,我们也没有什么大惊小怪的。这些推广到CEGEP也没有什么新奇的。这边魁北克780万人口,有620万法裔,主流社会就是法语社会。中国虽然,号称汉族占主导,但各位如果去过 南疆的和田,喀什,就知道,那边的情况,90%的都是维吾尔,其他6%是讲中亚语系的 乌兹别克,哈萨克,塔吉克等,我们维持那里的统治,只是高压统治。这边也如此, 这边联邦政府耗尽心机, 掏空魁省工业,银行业外移不用说的啦, 就连BMO,号称蒙特利尔银行的,总部都在多伦多啦。联邦投入10亿$给航空业搞研发,结果是投在Mississaga(ON),而不是投在魁北克。联邦给别的省投资几十亿建水电站,Hydro-Quebec的水电站,一个仔都不投。 76年蒙特利尔奥运会, 联邦更是吝啬,加之石油危机,令蒙特利尔到到2008年才将债务偿清。换个角色,你是本地人,你也会狠。点击展开...Something has to give !!Quebec and the Fairy GodmotherToday, let's have some fun and play Fairy Godmother to Quebec . Let's grant the province the wish it articulated in Copenhagen . Wave the magic wand and poof, wish granted. Shut down Alberta 's oilsands, except, since it's Quebec making the wish, we have to call it tarsands, even though it's not tar they use to run their Bombardier Planes, Trains and Skidoo's.Ah, at last! The blight on Canada 's reputation shut down. All those dastardly workers from across Canada living in Fort McMurray,Calgary and Edmonton out of jobs, including those waitresses, truck drivers,nurses, teachers, doctors, pilots, engineers etc. They can all go on Employment insurance like Ontario autoworkers and Quebec parts makers! Closing down Alberta 's oil industry would immediately stop the production of 1.8 million barrels of oil a day. Supply and demand being what it is, oil prices will go up and therefore the cost at the pump will go up too,increasing the cost of everything else.But lost jobs in Alberta and across the country along with higher gas prices are a small price to pay to save the world and not "embarrass" Quebecers on the world stage. Not to worry though, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Nigeria can come to the rescue. You know, the guys who pump money into al-Qaida and help Osama bin Laden target those Van Doos fighting in Afghanistan . Bloody oil is so much nicer than dirty tarsands oil.Shutting down the oilsands will reduce Canada 's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 38.4 Mt (megatonnes). Hooray! It's so fun to be a Fairy Godmother! While that sounds like a lot, Canada only produces two percent of the world's man-made GHGs and the oilsands only produce five per cent of Canada 's total emissions or 0.1 per cent of the world's emissions. By comparison, the U.S. produces 20.2 per cent of the world'sGHG emissions, 27 per cent of which comes from coal-fired electricity.The 530-square-kilometre piece of land currently disturbed by the oilsands (which is smaller than the John F. Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral , Fla. at 570 square kilometres) must be reclaimed by law and will return to Alberta's 381,000 square kilometres of boreal forest, a huge carbon sink.Quebec , of course, has clean hydro power, but more than 13,000 square kilometres were drowned for the James Bay hydroelectric project, permanently removing that forest from acting as a carbon sink.But Fairy Godmother is digressing all over the place. While the oilsands only produce five per cent of Canada's GHGs, it contributes much more to Canada 's economy. After all, oil and gas make up one-quarter of the value on the Toronto TSX alone. Alberta is also the largest net contributor per capita by far to Confederation and there are only two more -- B.C. and Ontario .Quebec hasn't made a net contribution to the rest of Canada for a very long time. This is not to be critical (after all, Fairy Godmothers never criticize), it's just a fact. In 2009, Albertans paid $40.46 billion in income, corporate and other taxes to the federal government and received back just $19.35 billion in services and goods from the feds. That means the rest of Canada got $21.1 billion from Albertans or $5,742 for each and every Alberta man, woman and child. In 2007 (the last year national figures are available), Alberta sent a net contribution of $19.49 billion to the ROC or $5,553 per Albertan -- more than three times what every Ontarian contributes at $1,757. Quebecers, on the other hand, each received $627 net or a total of $8 billion, money which was designed to help "equalize" social programs across the country. Except, that's not what is happening. Quebec has more generous social programs like (nearly) free university tuition (paid for mostly by Albertans) and cheap provincial day care (paid for mostly by Albertans).But in this Fairy Godmother world, poof, those delightful unequal programs have now disappeared! Quel dommage!The July 2009 Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI) report states that between 2008 and 2032, the oilsands will account for 172,000 person-years of employment in Ontario during the construction phase, plus 640,000 for operations over the 25-year period. For Quebec , the oilsands will account for 84,000 person-years of employment during the construction phase, plus 292,000 for operations over the 25-year period.In total, the oilsands are expected to add $1.7 trillion to Canada 's GDP over the next 25 years.Wave wand and Poof, Jobs, gone! So, now that the oil industry has shut down and left Alberta , Alberta has become a have-not province and so has every other province. Equality at last! Hugo Chavez and Obama will be so pleased.Meeting our Copenhagen targets suddenly looks possible, as most of us can't afford to drive our cars or buy anything but necessities,so manufacturers have closed their doors and emissions are way down.The dream of many Quebecers to form their own nation and separate from Canada has died at last. Alas, in Alberta, separatist sentiment has risen dramatically, citizens vote to separate and the oil and gas industry returns.Albertans start to pocket that almost $6,000 for each person that used to get sent elsewhere and now their kids get free tuition. Fairy Godmother's work is done. Wish granted. Quebecers must now sign up for a foreign worker Visas to work in Alberta to send their cheques back home so junior can start saving up to pay for college.Licia Corbella is editorial page editor of The Calgary Herald

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15我个人觉得没有大家想像得那么严重,实话说,如果一个家庭有孩子,若想在此地常住,基础法语还是要会的,否则很多事情都是不方便的,而对于临时过度的家庭,学学法语对你将来或多或少也有点帮助,毕竟加拿大官方语言就是英法语.至于孩子,我觉得不用过于担心,孩子学习语言很快,很多这里的孩子都是双语,即使魁北克本地家庭的孩子也都会学英语的.至于魁北克是否独立,这不是魁北克几个政党说了算的,需要全民公投.点击展开...

[FONT=黑体]——————————————好好学习,天天向上[/FONT]回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEP去美国上了。

回复: 来个震撼的不好消息:101法律将会应用到CEGEPQuebec has more generous social programs like (nearly) free university tuition (paid for mostly by Albertans) and cheap provincial day care (paid for mostly by Albertans).相比,在中国,北京/上海等地 paid for mostly by 其他地区的中国人?反正都没投票权,独立不独立都照样过日子。反正独立了的话,终于也算圆了魁瓜一个梦。对于其他加拿大人来说也不用为了联邦政府要求法语考试而怒气冲天。然后各自为政,加拿大就变成为只有英语为官方语言的国家。

Disclaimer:以上发或回帖只代表ID为“非洲之夜”的观点,如触犯各位看官利益请与此ID联系。与其马甲下的本人无关Something has to give !!Quebec and the Fairy Godmother---So you know the differences among the provinces Canadian.Alberta completely opposes the concept of Copenhagen, ---to reduce CO2. But Quebec firmly support.In this decade, Albeta stands up completely with support of their oilsand $. So now they start to contribute to others, then local people feel not happy. But, you also should know before 1970, the most GDP was contributed by Quebec. So most of the construction money was from Quebec. Don't forget that. I do believe, Alberta has enough resource to get independent. I also support them in my heart. and the same issue to our Chinese in BC.Canana, is one country without unique common concept. it is just a slave state of UK. I do think this country could live long.点击展开...

http://forum.iask.ca/threads/加拿大经济发展的致命伤-十分五裂的政体格局.768849/Something has to give !!Quebec and the Fairy Godmother---So you know the difference among the provinces Canadian.Alberta completely oppose the concept of Copenhagen, ---to reduce CO2. But Quebec firmly support.In this decade, Albeta stands up completely with support of their oilsand $. So now they start to contribute to others, then local people feel not happy. But, you also should know before 1970, the most GDP was contributed by Quebec. So most of the construction money was from Quebec. Don't forget that. I do believe, Alberta has enough resource to get independent. I also support them in my heart. and the same issue to our Chinese in BC.Canana, is one country without unique common concept. it is just a slave state of UK. I do think this country could live long. 你这句话说的我晕了 点击展开...点击展开...

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