加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息蒙特利尔地铁工人竟对乘客说“go back to your cou
蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手。 MONTREAL - Montreal’s transit authority has launched an investigation and will provide police with surveillance video after a métro ticket-taker allegedly put a passenger in a headlock and punched her during a language spat on Monday.“I’m told there’s going to be a police investigation and there may be an assault charge,” said Société de transport de Montréal vice-chairman Marvin Rotrand. “We will turn over whatever surveillance video police want.”The métro employee is in a hospital and the STM has yet to interview her, he said. It’s unclear if the hospitalization was a result of the incident.The alleged assault is the latest in a string of altercations between passengers and subway employees.Mina Barak, 23, told CBC News that Monday’s incident at the De La Savane métro station began when an Opus machine took her money but did not provide transit tickets.Barak said she asked for help, in English, from the STM ticket-booth employee. A dispute erupted. The agent told her to “go back to your country” and “in Quebec, we can only speak French,” Barak said.She said she immediately called the STM and filed a complaint, returning to the booth to advise the employee, who was knitting. She said she told the agent: “I’m going to make sure you’re going to lose your job for what you said to me.”At that point, Barak said, the employee “got out of the booth and she literally had me in a headlock and she was just punching me.”Jamie Salomon, who happened to be leaving the station when the incident occurred, said the ticket agent “came out of the kiosk, slammed the door and started wailing on” Barak, repeatedly punching her. Salomon said he called 911 and started pounding on a turnstile and yelling in an attempt to stop the fight.Another man intervened, managing to pull Barak out of the grips of the agent, who was “completely enraged and acting like an insane, violent maniac,” Salomon added.He did not hear what prompted the incident, which lasted about a minute. “I couldn’t imagine what it was that (Barak) had said to set her off ― she was so enraged.”Rotrand said the STM wants to “instill a sense of pride in all our employees and moreover a sense of customer service being their prime mission. An incident like this clearly is a black eye to us and sets us back.”The STM notes that under Bill 101, it can’t require employees to know a language other than French. Bill 101 provides for exceptions when “the nature of the duties requires such knowledge.”The STM says it will not look into requiring front-line employees to speak English. “My understanding from our legal department is we do not have wiggle room” on Bill 101, Rotrand said. But “insulting customers or refusing to serve customers ― it won’t be tolerated.”If an STM employee can’t speak English, he or she must find another way to communicate, he said. That could include providing a pamphlet or map, or asking another employee or supervisor to serve the customer, Rotrand said.He said the issue will be discussed at the STM’s board meeting next month.“I’ll raise the fact that there’s a perception from some in the English community that there isn’t enough backup available to provide riders who don’t speak French with basic information they need,” he said.Other recent incidents:This month, the STM forced an employee to remove a sign at a métro ticket booth that said: “Au Québec c’est en français que ça se passe!” (Roughly translated: “In Quebec, we do things in French”).In July, an STM customer alleged that two métro agents told him: “We don’t serve English people.”In June, Montreal Impact soccer player Miguel Montano said that when he spoke with a métro ticket-taker in English, he was told he needed to speak French and his money was refused.Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/Montreal+métro+worker+face+assault+charge+language+incident/7470155/story.html#ixzz2ApfRJkBm
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手额
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手沙发,坐等后续
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手上个月,橙线Villa Marie地铁的售票窗上也贴出告示,“在魁北克,只法语服务,不讲法语的,滚一边去。”
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 赏 反馈:doremee 2012-10-30#5 259 $0.00 回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手看来不讲法语的真要搬家了。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手鸡毛。你求他的时候,他个JB地“夫让色,夫让色”直嚷嚷。他求你的时候呢,英语就冒出来了。装个什么JB经啊。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手老外就是喜欢、也善于装B
原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 反馈:doremee 2012-10-30#8 V 1,410 $0.00 回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手这地铁工作人员估计平时很厉害, 那知道Mina英语和法语都很好, 现在只好躲在医院装B。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手也就是土生的敢投诉了,移民遇上了八成都是回去检讨自己法语没学好。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手上个月,橙线Villa Marie地铁的售票窗上也贴出告示,“在魁北克,只法语服务,不讲法语的,滚一边去。”点击展开...这个站的售票员是个老女人,态度很不好,看上面那则新闻时我就想起她来。记得刚来时想买十张票(2.4),但不知道要OPUS卡才能买,她也不解释,直接给了十张2.75的(5.5两张的折价票)。我们问她,态度很不耐烦,很少见这么RUDE的西人。跟她说的还是法语。09年短登时,印象里地铁站里的工作人员都会主动说英语,哪怕你开口是法语。上次朋友来玩,我还告诉她地铁买票用英语没问题,结果给她吃药了。感觉这两年蒙特利尔下坡路走得更快了。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手以后加拿大的产品应该只印英文,让魁瓜自产自销,吃那么多福利还优越感十足,装13。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手也就是土生的敢投诉了,移民遇上了八成都是回去检讨自己法语没学好。点击展开...it is not your fault not to speak french. but it is his/her fault if she/he doesn serve you. it is his/her job, he/she gets paid from this. so it is your right to complain them. don't worry your language is not good and nobady take it seriously, as long as keeping complaining. one day they will pay attention. it is our rights to complain. because we pay them. without us they will lose job. at same time, let them know they pick wrong person. next time he/she will not dare.
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手以后中文有可能成为加拿大官方语言的一种吗?
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手这几年铁饭碗的部门越来越对说英语的不友善了,在SAAQ也见到过要求讲法语的招牌,甚至连Hydro Quebec 的客服都这样了。政客的手段很阴险,分别维护英法语的人群对立情绪是我见到过的最高点。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手恩,?才在??上看到呃???了。算了,?是?魁北克?立吧。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 赏 反馈:doremee 2012-10-30#16 2,028 $0.00 回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手唉,无语,我其实还真的挺喜欢这里的,气候还不错,真的非搬家吗?唉
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的 赏 反馈:doremee 2012-10-30#17 明 987 $0.00 回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手独立了他们就不再接待除了法国以外的人了?他们旅游只去法国?他们就希望别人一到魁省立刻变成法语通。很愿意学法语,学习也总要一个过程的。现在越来越反感他们没有宽容的心。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手我觉得取决于办事人员的心态,而办事人员的心态往往取决于他的英语水平。英语水平越高的魁瓜,越不容易排斥英语人士。
11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti. 赏 反馈:doremee 2012-10-31#19 远 492 $0.00 回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手有个笑话说,上帝创造了法国这片堪称完美的土地,和别的地方简直没法比,为了平衡,把法国人放在了这片土地上。 第一次听这个笑话觉得反感,因为自小看雨果卢梭的小说,看拿破仑传,喜欢笛卡尔,有点法国情节;后来了解的事情越多,越觉得这个笑话很精辟。
回复: 蒙特利尔地铁工作人员竟对在这里土生土长的人说“go back to your country”,并大打出手法?人造香水很出名,但香水的起源的故事也很幽默的:小道消息真,伏尔泰在1756年曾写了一本名为《美化巴黎》的小册子,小册子中写道:“设在窄巷中的肮脏市场使人不敢驻足,到处散发着恶臭……街道昏暗、狭窄、丑陋不堪,似乎代表着一个最野蛮的时代。” 当时的巴黎,空气中散发着阵阵腐臭,在路易十四死后摄政的奥尔良大公菲利浦的母亲在一封信中写道:“大街上臭气熏天,由于酷暑鱼肉腐败,再加上成百上千的人在大街上随处撒尿,令人作呕。” 那时巴黎的空气中散发的恶臭还与腐败的尸体有关。18世纪的巴黎是一个拥有60多万人口的大都市,当时死者的遗体只是埋入土中,任其自然腐败。由于 墓场与居民区和市场相邻,腐败的尸体臭味,非常难闻。从1785年开始,巴黎当局花了两年时间才把以往9个世纪中积累的200万具遗骸转到巴黎南部的采石 场深埋。另一个臭源来自身体。法国国王路易十四从1647年到1711年的64年间才洗过一次澡,这一惊人记录保留在路易十四的御医每天为他做的身体状况的详细笔记上。根据当时的常识,洗澡是一种医疗手段,如果没有医生的吩咐,就是巴黎上流社会的绅士、淑女也决不轻易洗澡。 当时的医学常识认为,体臭越强烈说明身体越健康。在这种“时尚”推动之下,我们今天看来雍容华贵的巴黎社交界,其实气味并没那么高雅。 尽管体臭是优异的标志,但毕竟难闻,于是用来与体臭抗衡的香水便应运而生。那时最受欢迎的是动物性香料,如龙涎香、麝香、麝猫香一类。18世纪中叶以后,动物性香料由于气味过于呛人而逐渐失去巴黎人的青睐,于是巴黎人的兴趣又转向了植物性香料,柠檬、桔子、玫瑰花等都可以制成香袋、香水。法国南部的里维埃拉沿海气候湿润,当地小镇格拉斯就成了用来制成香水的各种鲜花的栽培中心,直到今天,这里仍是制造香水的重要地区。 也是从18世纪中叶以后,巴黎人才认识到洗澡的重要性,那时巴黎已陆续建起了十几家公共浴室。洗澡加上洒香水使巴黎人摆脱了恼人的体臭。点击展开...
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