加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Petition for Montreal-China non-stop flight(蒙特利尔-中国


朋友们,蒙特利尔机场正在为开通中国直航征集签名, 请广而告知. 18岁以下也可签名,只要你知道自己喜欢什么航线就行。签名渠道: email: [email protected] 或 fax: 514-633-3068.谢谢!Hi Friends,The Montreal Airport is in discussion with several airlines about providing direct flight between Montreal and China. The direct flight will benefit the greater Montreal and nearby cities: people will no longer need to worry about being stuck in the middle somewhere due to bad weather; elders and children will be able to travel alone easier... Earlier in March, in cooperation with the Chinese Family Services of Greater Montreal and South Shore Sino-Quebec Centre, they have solicited petitions on paper to support the initiative. Unfortunately, the petition closed too soon that most people didn't get a chance to participate or even didn't know about it!In order to get the opportunity for each of us to contribute a cent to the earlier realization of the Montreal-China non-stop flight, I contacted Luce Bureau, Director - Air Service Development of Montreal Airports and persuaded her to re-open the petition by email. She gladly accepted the suggestion to set up a special email dedicated to receiving petitions, hoping the petition result will help convince one of the airlines to start the Montreal-China non-stop flight in the near future.Please send your petition to [email protected] with "Petition for Montreal-China non-stop flight" in the subject field and include your name and email address in the email text.For those who don't have email or prefer fax, you may send the petition to Luce Bureau by fax at 514-633-3068 with the same subject "Petition for Montreal-China non-stop flight" and your name & contact info.The more petitions received, the better chance we get the non-stop flight. So please help forward the info to as many people as possible. You may also post it on social network, public websites, group email lists, newspapers and anywhere you can think of. Together, we can make it happen!Thanks for your actions as soon as possible!


fish_jnd 说:?之前不是签过一次了吗?签名征集邮箱admtl,是什么的缩写?点击展开...三月初的签名要去华人服务中心,早已结束。可惜很多人当时知道,或没来得及去签。为了给更多人机会,蒙特利尔机场答应重新开启email签名。admtl是 Aeroport de Montreal 的缩写。Email 很方便,Montreal 周边地区和国内的亲友若愿意,也可参与。所以请广泛告知。

fish_jnd 说:?之前不是签过一次了吗?签名征集邮箱admtl,是什么的缩写?点击展开...对不起,刚才回复忘了一个“不”字,。。。。。。可惜很多人当时知道。。。。。。


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