加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[葵花盛开在Montreal的日子]碧天入水雁归来--
风翻白浪花千片,雁点青天字一行。 先生早上跟旺旺甜甜溜腿,天上不断转来大雁的叫声,抬头望去,大雁正在天上整队北飞,经过晚上或许白天的补充休整,大雁们一会一群,一会一群的冲上南天,在一叫一答声中,雁群从开始的群飞渐渐变成人字,当离开视线时,已经变为完整的人字。 一路长徒跋涉来到montreal,应该是瘦骨嶙峋没剩几两肉了吧?!我看过法国人拍的《迁徙的鸟》,里面有首歌《To Be By Your Side》,很喜欢,这首歌在我的电脑里待了好多年,I will fly,with the day and tonight I may be by your side.Artist:Nick CaveSong:To Be By Your SideAcross the oceans Across the seas, Over forests of blackened trees.Through valleys so still we dare not breathe, To be by your side.Over the shifting desert plains, Across mountains all in flames.Through howling winds and driving rains, To be by your side.Every mile and every year for every one a little tear.I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.Into the night as the stars collide,Across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified,To be by your side.Every mile and every year, For every one a single tear.I cannot explain this, Dear, I will not even try.For I know one thing, Love comes on a wing.For tonight I will be by your side. But tomorrow I will fly.From the deepest ocean To the highest peak,Through the frontiers of your sleep.Into the valley where we dare not speak, To be by your side.Across the endless wilderness where all the beasts bow down their heads.Darling I will never rest till I am by your side.Every mile and every year, Time and Distance disappear I cannot explain this.Dear No, I will not even try.And I know just one thing, Love comes on a wing and tonight I will be by your side.But tomorrow I will fly away, Love rises with the day and tonight I may be by your side.But tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly, Tomorrow I will fly.
[FONT=仿宋][葵花盛开在Montreal的日子]“东进,东进,向未知世界前进!”――一个女法律人眼中的加拿大(及时更新)[/FONT] http://forum.canadameet.co/showthread.php?t=538592Ying Fu([FONT=楷体]葵花付英律师)[/FONT] 付英律师,专注于中加两国经贸领域法律事务,活跃在投资、融资、税务、地产、诉讼及冲突的解决、移民等领域。加拿大CMKZ律师事务所高级法律顾问、Sunflower Group·葵花法律中心主席、七天传媒·俱乐部副主席、葵花法律网创始人、21本葵花法律系列丛书作者、中国瀛和律师机构·北京瀛和律师事务所创始合伙人、律师学院专家顾问、中加法律中心主任。E-mail: [email protected] Webchat & QQ: 284870508葵花法律网:http://www.mykh.net/forum.php 赏 反馈:2010sunflower 和 cyberlily 2014-05-07#2 183 $0.00 大雁可以打吗?
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