加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有了解北美机械加工展览会?



就是因为人有梦想,所以我们会相信,有一天,黑白种族隔离政策会结束,有一天,柏林墙会倒塌。有一天,人类会在月球上漫步。所以我们永远不应该怀疑,一小群有梦想而又肯为梦想付出的人,是有能力该变这个世界的。 2014-07-05#2 F 307 $0.00 1. http://mmts.ca/exhibit/2014-mmts-prospectus2014 MMTS ProspectusGROW YOUR BUSINESS.Join us at MMTS 2014, Quebec’s leading manufacturing event where professionals connect with peers, metalworking technologies and innovations.Benefits Of Exhibiting At MMTS 2014Shorten your sales cycle with direct access to over 4,500 key decision makers and purchasing influencers throughout Quebec and surrounding areas.Increase visibility and brand awareness. Join industry leaders in showcasing the best solutions for Quebec’s metalworking marketplace.Multi-tiered promotional opportunities for your company, new products and services through an array of marketing channels.Top 3 Reasons Decision Makers Attend MMTSUpdate equipment and processesKeep production costs under controlKeep up with industry trendsJob titles include (but not limited to)Owner/CEOManufacturing/Operations ManagementForeman/Leader/SupervisorQuality ManagementManufacturing EngineeringCNC Programmer/EngineerProduct Design/R&DMaintenance Management.MMTS By The Numbers77% of MMTS attendees have a role in the purchasing of products for their companies.85% of MMTS attendees represent the hard-to-reach job shops. MMTS provides exhibitors access to buyers from all levels of the supply chain as mid-size manufacturers and large OEMs are also well represented.82% of attendees come to see new products70% of attendees say that tradeshows play a role in manufacturing equipment strategies70% of attendees say that they are more likely to do business with a company that exhibits at MMTS69% of attendees come to learn about new applications66% of attendees are looking to compare technologies------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. http://www.canadianmetalworking.com/Metalworking Manufacturing & Production ExpoEmploying a highly efficient table-top format, the Metalworking Manufacturing & Production Expo is a cost effective, tightly focused forum, targeted to the manufacturing & production audience.WINDSOROCTOBER 23, 2014Ciociaro Club3745 N Talbot Rd,Windsor, ON-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. http://www.sme.org/upcomingevents/SME EVENTS. WHERE IDEAS MEET OPPORTUNITY.Manufacturing is changing at an astounding pace. And nowhere is that more evident than at an SME event. Not only in what you see, but how you see it. Our events have evolved into a flexible, multi-learning forum that allows you to experience the latest technologies, and inspires a dynamic exchange between attendees and exhibitors.SME events connect you with the people that matter most. We provide the ideal platform for you to meet. Discuss challenges. Create solutions. And forge new relationships.A flexible format optimizes your event experience. Learning labs, free technical sessions, interactive demonstrations, and experiential learning – however you choose to spend your time, you have plenty of options to use it to your best advantage.Find one – or more – advanced manufacturing, emerging technology or industry-focused events that can move your business in the right direction.Advanced Manufacturing Expo 2014September 23-24, 2014Mississauga, Ontario CANADAFABTECH 2014November 11-13, 2014Atlanta, GeorgiaHOUSTEX 2015February 24-26, 2015Houston, TexasAeroDef Manufacturing 2015April 20-23, 2015Dallas, TexasFABTECH Mexico 2015May 1-3, 2015Monterrey, MEXICOEASTEC 2015May 12-14, 2015West Springfield, MassachusettsRAPID 2015May 18-21, 2015Long Beach, CaliforniaTHE BIG MJune 2-4, 2015Detroit, MichiganNAMRC 43June 8-12, 2015Charlotte, North CarolinaWestern Manufacturing Technology Show (WMTS) 2015June 15-17, 2015Edmonton, Alberta CANADAWESTEC 2015September 15-17, 2015Los Angeles, CaliforniaSOUTH-TEC 2015October 27-29, 2015Charlotte, North CarolinaFABTECH 2015November 9-12, 2015Chicago, Illinois- See more at: http://www.sme.org/upcomingevents/#sthash.Av5EQJUx.dpufAbout SME Canada SME Canada supports Canadian manufacturers by providing technical resources and opportunities for engagement. SME hosts numerous local chapters, produces industry-leading events and provides professional development opportunities.In the spirit of continuous improvement, we have recently updated every aspect of our brand as a reflection of strategic and operational enhancements. Learn moreManufacturing drives Canada's economy. In fact, manufacturing employs more than 2 million Canadians, and manufactured products account for 90 percent of Canada's merchandise exports. We invite you to tap into SME as a resource for manufacturing knowledge, industry insights, thought leadership, marketplace connections and more. If you share our passion for helping people make things that improve our world, we invite you to join us.Upcoming Events in CanadaMontreal Manufacturing Technology ShowMay 12-14, 2014Montreal, QCAdvanced Manufacturing Expo (AMExpo)September 23-24, 2014Mississauga, ONWestern Manufacturing Technology ShowJune 15-17, 2015Edmonton, ABCanadian Manufacturing Technology ShowSeptember 28 - October 1, 2015Mississauga, ONFABTECH CanadaMarch 2016Mississauga, ON- See more at: http://www.sme.org/smecanada/#sthash.uhOnCBWq.dpuf

4. http://magazinemci.com/THE QUEBEC CITY INDUSTRIEL TRADE SHOWThis must-attend meeting has been held every other year since 1984!» The 16th edition will take place on October 7-9, 2014 at the Quebec City Exhibition Center.A PROVINCIAL SHOWThe Quebec city industriel trade show is the largest industrial exhibition held in Eastern Canada!Over 500 expert exhibitors at each edition;An average of 7,000 visitors visit the show over the 3-day period;A gathering of businesses comprising all sectors of industrial activities under one roof:Machine-tool;Tooling;Services;etc.A UNIQUE BUSINESS MEETINGWith its trade show formula, reserved for a qualified and influential audience from the world of industry, the Quebec city industriel trade show has become an exclusive and must-attend meeting for companies in the B2B sector.A DYNAMIC SHOWTaking part in the Quebec city industriel trade show as an exhibitor or visitor will allow you to meet key people and businesses from the industrial sector.Whether you're an exhibitor or a visitor, several reasons justify your participation:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. http://ctma.com/calendar/international-manufacturing-technology-show-imts-chicago-illinois-usa/International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), Chicago, Illinois, USASeptember 8 - 13+ GOOGLE CALENDAR+ ICAL IMPORTDetailsStart:September 8End:September 13Event Category:Technology ShowWebsite:http://www.imts.com/OrganizerIMTSWebsite:http://www.imts.com/


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