加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息圣诞节为什么用merri?


为什么说Merri Christmas而不是Happy Christmas?其他的节日或事件好像都是用Happy,如happy new year, happy birthday...

runtocursor 说:为什么说Merri Christmas而不是Happy Christmas?其他的节日或事件好像都是用Happy,如happy new year, happy birthday...点击展开...我个人认为是习惯搭配?

由于圣诞和新年离得很近,因此人们总是把圣诞快乐和新年快乐连在一起说的:“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”。由于新年已经用了happy了,如果圣诞再用happy就显得重复了,所以圣诞快乐就用Merry这个词了。

小糯米 说:由于圣诞和新年离得很近,因此人们总是把圣诞快乐和新年快乐连在一起说的:“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”。由于新年已经用了happy了,如果圣诞再用happy就显得重复了,所以圣诞快乐就用Merry这个词了。点击展开...说得通。谢谢解答。

维基说:History of the phrase"Merry", derived from the Old English myrige, originally meant merely "pleasant, agreeable" rather than joyous or jolly (as in the phrase "merry month of May").[50] Christmas has been celebrated since the 4th century AD, the first known usage of any Christmas greeting dates was in 1565, when it appeared in The Hereford Municipal Manuscript: "And thus I comytt you to God, who send you a mery Christmas."[50] "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" (thus incorporating two greetings) was in an informal letter written by an English admiral in 1699. The same phrase is contained in the 16th century secular English carol "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," and the first commercial Christmas card, produced in England in 1843.Also in 1843, Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol was published, during the mid Victorian revival of the holiday. The word Merry was then beginning to take on its current meaning of "jovial, cheerful, jolly and outgoing".[50] "Merry Christmas" in this new context figured prominently in A Christmas Carol. The cynical Ebenezer Scrooge rudely deflects the friendly greeting: "If I could work my will.. every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding."[51] After the visit from the Ghosts of Christmas effects his transformation, Scrooge exclaims; "I am as merry as a school-boy. A merry Christmas to everybody!" and heartily exchanges the wish to all he meets.[52] The instant popularity of A Christmas Carol, the Victorian era Christmas traditions it typifies, and the term's new meaning appearing in the book popularized the phrase "Merry Christmas".[53][54]The alternative "Happy Christmas" gained usage in the late 19th century, and in Great Britain and Ireland is the common wish, rather than "Merry Christmas". One reason may be the Victorian middle class influence in attempting to separate wholesome celebration of the Christmas season from public insobriety and associated asocial behaviour, at a time when merry also meant "intoxicated" – Queen Elizabeth II is said to prefer "Happy Christmas" for this reason.[50] In her annual Christmas messages to the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth has used "happy Christmas" far more often than "merry Christmas".[55]In the American poet Clement Moore's "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (1823), the final line, originally written as "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night", has been changed in many later editions to "Merry Christmas to all", perhaps indicating the relative popularity of the phrases in the USA.




不要随便跟不认识的人说Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays比较礼貌信仰的关系,有些神经的,会觉得受冒犯

If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide.那就多冒犯他几次。你一次,我一次。白人一次,黑人一次,包头巾的也来一次。他就不敏感了。点击展开...完全没关系的还好。公司的话,人家去HR投诉肿么办

If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 2014-12-24#13 esimon 1,615 $0.00 就像我说的,干脆一开始就不要讲不就得了

If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 2014-12-24#15 happyv 7,970 $0.00

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