加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息合同条款英文表述-求助
各位达人,请帮忙。我有个公寓打算给出租公司打理,想再合同里加两个条款。主要意思是,1. 如果租户在住宿期间发生意外伤害,涉及赔偿由由出租公司负责。 2. 如果住户在住宿期间由于租户原因导致房子受损,出租公司要对损失负责。我自己翻了一下,感觉不专业,请达人们给点意见。1. the company is responsible for the safety of the sub-renters. any physical injuries happened them during their stay, the company hold the responsibility of the consequences。2. the company is responsible for the potential damages of the apartment and the building that caused by the sub-renter during their stay, including partially damage or total loss.
琥珀小楼 说:各位达人,请帮忙。我有个公寓打算给出租公司打理,想再合同里加两个条款。主要意思是,1. 如果租户在住宿期间发生意外伤害,涉及赔偿由由出租公司负责。 2. 如果住户在住宿期间由于租户原因导致房子受损,出租公司要对损失负责。我自己翻了一下,感觉不专业,请达人们给点意见。1. the company is responsible for the safety of the sub-renters. any physical injuries happened them during their stay, the company hold the responsibility of the consequences。2. the company is responsible for the potential damages of the apartment and the building that caused by the sub-renter during their stay, including partially damage or total loss.点击展开...我也打算出租房子,您用的哪家管理公司? 可以推荐一下吗?
AVANTAR 说:只能律师写,不然漏洞百出。点击展开...同意。顺便楼主的帖子不要说英文了,就你中文的那个意思来说也通不过的。因为你编的条款不能违背当地的相关消费者保护法规等等。
If you don't want a sarcastic answer, then don't ask a stupid question.Si tu ne veux pas une réponse sarcastique, alors ne me pose pas une question stupide. 赏 反馈:CCOYYOTEE 2015-06-03#6 A 9,493 $0.00 你付给出租公司的钱也许还不够买这两项的保险费, 你认为他们会同意吗?真没有必要要求这两项。
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