Dear all, Since I am working for CIES (Calgary Immigrant Educational Society), I always have some information from local employers.Today a recruiter call me for new employees in the fied of welhouse, shipping, food product plant and blablabla...$10-12 per hour, mostly are full time. Welcome new immigrants apply for it.If you have any interest please send email or message to me, or register in this website: www.pgstaff.com, or u can call 213-5266 for Christian.If you need other help from us e.g. LINC, Drop-in ESL($40/4 months), training programs (clerical, computer and accounting training), employment service (free) etc, please call 235-3666.
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 赏
赠人玫瑰 手有余香
1,103 $0.00 thank you anyway评论
赏 2006-04-19#3 过 17 $0.00 请教LZ,从论坛上看LINC的评估考试有两种CLBA和CLBPT,两种有什么区别?为什么他们建议参加CLBA的考试?
咨询有关焊工培训的有关信息!michang: 你好!最近经常看到您所发的贴子,对您的信息量十分钦佩!!!我有一事想咨询一下。我是焊工,但是还没有焊工证,想在卡城找一家华人开办的焊工培训学校,参加培训后拿到焊工证,希望您能提供给我一些这方面的信息!!!诚谢!!! Bill
过眼烟云 说:请教LZ,从论坛上看LINC的评估考试有两种CLBA和CLBPT,两种有什么区别?为什么他们建议参加CLBA的考试?点击展开...偶只知道CLBA考试成绩SAIT是承认的,可能就是这两者的区别
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