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Processor: Intel Pentium M 1.6 GHz RAM Installed: 512 MB (2*256MB) Hard Drive: 40 GB Display Type: 14.1 in TFT (max resolutions 1400*1050 pixels)Video Graphics: ATI RADEON Video Memory 64 MBOptical Storage: CD-RW/DVDROMAudio Sound card: SigmaTelTelecom: Modem Fax / modem Max transfer rate 56 Kbps Networking: 10/100 Ethernet Battery: Lithium ion (full charge for more than 1.5 hours usage)Operating System: MS Windows XP Professional( load with license, no cd provided)Power adapter and Dell Laptop Bag*Note: No wireless card http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-computers-Dell-Inspiron-600m-for-quick-sale-W0QQAdIdZ14110422
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