加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息给自己写的一封信
Dear Tom: Hey Tom! Were you having a good time in China? How were the Olympic Games? You are probably wondering who I am, and why am I writing this letter to you. Well, first of all, my name is Tom too. Pretty surprised, eh? I am writing this letter to you simply because Ms. Renton-Rose tells me to. By the way, you do not want to mess with her, or otherwise you are going to get hit by a piece of paper. I am still the same me from last year, nothing really changed, maybe except the fact that I am older now. Anyway, it is good to be back at school again (I cannot believe that I am actually saying this).Last year has been a great year to me, and I have gathered a lot of good memories. The school has not changed much, only if you count those new teachers we now have. I think I will get used to them soon. Everyone is changing as time goes on, and I am no exception. I have grown taller since last year, and of course, more confident. We Chinese people have a saying, “time is the best tool for changing.” I totally agree on that.When I came to Canada in 2005, I was only a six grader. And now, I am already preparing myself for high school. High school can really be a challenge. Therefore, I am going to study real hard this year, just so I can be ready for high school. This is such a huge step in my life!Chinese people always say that life can never be perfect. Everyone has some thing that bothers him/her. Even I am fourteen, but I have already started to worry about my future. What is it that I want to be when I grow up? This is a question nobody will escape from answering it, includes me. I remember when I was very little; I had always wanted to be an artist. Soon, I changed my mind of being an artist, but a musician. And after that, many other ideas came along. I must admit that this is a hard decision to make. This might affect you in what you are going to pick to study in high school, or university. And the major in which you decided to pick is going to affect you in what kind of job you are going to have. Then, finally, the kind of life you have. So, as I said before, this single decision may affect you throughout your life.After a long time of considering of what am I good at, I decided to be an architect. There are two reasons why I choose to be an architect. First, I am good at drawing, and second, I am really good at math. These two things are especially important for an architect to have. Another reason to be an architect is that the salary is very high, and you can easily find a job too. So, from now on, I will work extra hard for my goal.“Anything is possible if you are willing to work.” This is the statement which I like the most among all the other ones. It means that only hard working is the way to achieve your goals or whatever is it you want. If you do not work, then you will end up with nothing. Many people are complaining about their life, but the thing they do not realize is that they are not working hard enough to have such good life. If you are poor, hard working is the only way to change it. We Chinese people always have a saying, “the more you work, the more rewards you are going to get.” If you are not willing to work, and just sit in a chair daydreaming about great wealth. At the end, you will get nothing. There are two kinds of people in this world, one kind will work for their life, and the other one will only think for their life. Which kind do you want to be?When I was Grade 2, my goal was to get A+ on every subject. With that goal of mine in my mind all the time, I had worked real hard throughout the school year. And at the point I got my report card, I was very satisfied with myself. I had a goal, and worked hard for it, I deserved the reward. On that specific report card, I got an A+ for everything, just like my goal.Okay then, I guess it is time to say good-bye. I wish you will have a fantastic year, and wish all of your goals may come true.Sincerely Me 这是每年老师都会让我们写的,虽说是给自己写的信,但还是需要按老师的要求来写。老师说写这种信的主要目的是要让自己知道自己的目标,及其他一些你不会天天和别人说的“秘密”。
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