加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Do you really forget 6`4
As I look back on my end of pre-work days there are many reasons why I have been so confused by some people on this community,e.g.lengleng67,for their simply tending to only care about their ambitions for their children.At the ages about 40 of them,they should come to their days through 6`4 20 years ago,they really know what they could have been.However they seem to have forgotten everything,their dreams about the future,their attitudes toward life itself,their ambitions for themself.Is life just life,them are them?They are just fooled guided in their youth as their children fooled guided by themself now?Who can shed a light on it?I am continued puzzling when I read her following passage in lengleng67's enjoying back home. She said now she only desired to see that her son will have a good future.
·中文新闻 2024 年 HSC 成绩:北悉尼男子高中连续排名第一
·中文新闻 2024 年 HSC 成绩:新南威尔士州顶尖学校排名