加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息怎样申请day-care补助
回复: 怎样申请day-care补助The Child Care Subsidy Program helps eligible (low to middle income) Alberta families with child care costs. It applies to preschool-aged children who are attending licensed day care facilities or approved family child care homes. The program is operated by the Ministry of Children's Services and administered by Calgary and Area Child and Family Services.EligibilityYou can apply for a subsidy if:Your child (or children) is 0-12 years of age and attending an approved family dayhome, licensed daycare or out-of-school care program. You are employed (or self-employed), attending school or a training program, or looking for work You or your child has a medical, physical, psychological, or other special need Getting StartedYou may apply for a subsidy after enrolling your child in a care facility. If you are eligible, payments will begin after your child is enrolled.There are two ways parents can apply for child care subsidy. Parents can find out how much subsidy they may be eligible to receive by accessing the estimator tool and complete an application on-line. You can also apply by completing a paper application and submitting it to your regional office.Obtain an application (223 KB PDF) and a Child Placement form (143KB PDF). They are available at day care facilities, family child care agencies, and at all Calgary and Area Child and Family Services Offices. Information Guide to assist with completion of the Subsidy Application Form. Complete the application and submit to the Calgary and Area Child and Family Services office. Forms can be delivered to any community office and will be forwarded to the regional office on your behalf. It is important that you submit a completed application. If you need assistance, please call (403) 297-6100. Next StepsThe regional subsidy office will review your application and determine if you are eligible for a subsidy. You will receive a letter advising if you qualify and the amount. If your child is presently attending a day care facility or family child care home, the facility will also receive a letter advising that you have qualified for a subsidy. If you are not eligible, you remain responsible for paying all of the child care costs to the facility. Extra Fees If your child's day care facility or familiy child care agency charges fees higher than you receive as a subsidy, you are responsible for the difference, including registration fees and deposits.Subsidy Payment If you qualify, the subsidy will be paid directly to your day care facility or family child care agency on your behalf.Contact InformationCalgary and Area Child and Family Services #300 - 1240 Kensington Road NW Calgary, AB T2N 3P7Phone (403) 297-6100 Fax (403) 355-4410 A Parent Information Line has been established to provide Albertans with toll-free access to early childhood development and child care information and resources. Toll-free: 1-866-714-KIDS (5437)更多信息,你可以查找:http://www.calgaryandareacfsa.gov.ab.ca/crv.nsf/(search)/Child+Care-Child+Care+Subsidy
"rejoice evermore." "And again I say, Rejoice" (Phil. 4:4).http://youlifang1995.blog.163.com/回复: 怎样申请day-care补助http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/bnfts/menu-eng.html
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