加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息I got a car accident!!...
I got a car accident!!... Yesterday when I drive home, a lady hit my rear bumper in the cross-section. I was told by the insurance company that I need: * is the very important information. 1. LOCATION OF THE COLLISION 2. DIVER’S INFORMAION *Name *Diver’s licence NO. *Phone NO. better have 2 phone 3. INSURANCE INFORMATION *Insurance policy NO. Insurance company name and phone 4. CAR INFORMATION *Plate number Car model Color Year of made The owner of the car 5. Witness Name and contact information. But I was nervous only collect the Name, Plate NO, and phone number. And insurance company name and insurance phone. I called the lady 2 times and but no one answer. My next step is to report to the police, to fill up the forms.
机场接送服务.--暂停 通过 FE 考试。 需要复习材料的请 PM 我。回复: I got a car accident!!...PITY
回复: I got a car accident!!...下次记得手机拍照留证
回复: I got a car accident!!...I just come back from the police office. I am lucky since they can trace everything of the other side, by the information I have.But if you collision with a stolen car you might be not that lucky. The police give me a sticker to stick in my winsheld, and the insurance company give me the referance number, and the body shop name. My next step is to go to the body shop and fix the damage. Is any one have experience that to claim any Neck Pain?
机场接送服务.--暂停 通过 FE 考试。 需要复习材料的请 PM 我。I got a car accident!!...Yesterday when I drive home, a lady hit my rear bumper in the cross-section.I was told by the insurance company that I need:* is the very important information.1. LOCATION OF THE COLLISION2. DIVER’S INFORMAION*Name *Diver’s licence NO. *Phone NO. better have 2 phone3. INSURANCE INFORMATION*Insurance policy NO. Insurance company name and phone4. CAR INFORMATION*Plate numberCar model ColorYear of made The owner of the car 5. Witness Name and contact information.But I was nervous only collect the Name, Plate NO, and phone number. And insurance company name and insurance phone. I called the lady 2 times and but no one answer. My next step is to report to the police, to fill up the forms.点击展开...关注别人追你追的紧
回复: I got a car accident!!...but i knew that the insurance company need to rent a car for you, just becasue it's very incovinent if you don;t have car and you need to work.also the insurance company need to pay for your salary and expenditure according your spending on this accident.don't warry about it, but just be patient, you don;t know how slow they operate this kind of things.good luck!
回复: I got a car accident!!...also the insurance company need to pay for your salary点击展开...如果能上班,没工资赔的。
回复: I got a car accident!!...Is any one have experience that to claim any Neck Pain?点击展开...脖子或头痛赶紧看医生去,如果医生查不出什么问题,$4000封顶,你就跟保险公司的代表谈价吧。
回复: I got a car accident!!...如果车伤得不重,一般都估价在$1000左右,换bumper. 重了就贵了。你要到指定的点(可选)做评估,可以选你喜欢的地方修。保险公司会在付钱之前看撞的情况。body shop先购件,然后叫你送车,取车。慢慢来,别着急。
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