今天在家附近的路口?有停stop sign,真正原因是我的??有雪胎,平?咿呃?路口都很滑,如果停下??半天都咿不去,我跟警察真我的?停不下?,因?路很滑,后?他?是斤了我一?$287列?,列?上??的是fail to stop -stop sign,但列??有?明扣多少?. ?教各位1,一般?真在calgary?有停stop sign?被扣???如果扣的?扣多少??2,如果直接交列款的?,是不是一定?扣??保胝公司?直接知道,并????3,如果啉??庭的?,?怎?呢??真啉?plead guilty一般??偻用和??,有?有有??的同丈斤?意???庭揆解的?我?真,腠然我承帐我是fail to stop但今天只有零下29度,?地黑冰,所以停不下?,大?迂得有?算?
060320 fn isk (pmk)......080922 load calgary......working now 赏

3,567 $0.00 回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket只有去交通法庭求情减免罚款额了。上庭也是这个结果。什么理由都不会被法官接受为可以违法的理由,评论
移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket去法庭吧,最差就是不变,运气好还有可能减免.
09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师去法庭吧,最差就是不变,运气好还有可能减免.点击展开...
060320 fn isk (pmk)......080922 load calgary......working now回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticketfail to stop 要287刀????碰到梁山人马了? 美国是75刀啊。我靠, 以后偶一定要小心。
乡间小道fail to stop 要287刀????碰到梁山人马了? 美国是75刀啊。我靠, 以后偶一定要小心。点击展开...
060320 fn isk (pmk)......080922 load calgary......working nowfail to stop 要287刀????碰到梁山人马了? 美国是75刀啊。我靠, 以后偶一定要小心。点击展开...闯红灯也是287。
走自己的路让别人去说吧;是金子总会闪光的。回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket损失不小,不装雪胎上庭吧,动之以情、晓之以理,求得减免,呵呵
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket首先要说明: stop sign 不停,非常危险,是事故发生率毕竟高的动作,以后要注意。 第二, 如果罚单上没说扣点, 就没有扣点。 第三, 在罚单上规定的时间到downtown的法庭请求减免,一般情况下,都会减免。
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket晷于扣?,列?腠然?有?具篦扣多少,但最后是呃?真的:conviction of certain motor vehicle driving offences will result in demerit points being assessed against your driving record.我查driver handbook,fail to stop -stop sign要扣三??.所以我想是不是都逃不了被扣?呢 而晷于到法庭的啉?3?容是呃?的:按指定?殓地?到那奄,可以啉帐罪,不帐罪.if you plead guilty , you may ask for time to pay the fine ,(啉帐罪,你可以申?延期列款)but if you wish to make submissions as to penalty,you may be referred to a first appearance prosecutor, where one is available, or a hearing may be et for a later date. (but 后面的?容好膣明白了,submission好像不是?免的意思,first appearance prosecutor第一?出?的?察官??要俭另外?殓什么hearing听证会) if you plead not guilty , trial date will be set.(不帐罪,?韵定檫庭?殓) 看完我?是不知道如果啉plead guilty,?怎?阿?大?真的?求?免究竟是在hearing上申?,?是先plead not guilty等trial的?候申?呢 首先要说明: stop sign 不停,非常危险,是事故发生率毕竟高的动作,以后要注意。 第二, 如果罚单上没说扣点, 就没有扣点。 第三, 在罚单上规定的时间到downtown的法庭请求减免,一般情况下,都会减免。点击展开...
060320 fn isk (pmk)......080922 load calgary......working now看完我?是不知道如果啉plead guilty,?怎?阿?大?真的?求?免究竟是在hearing上申?,?是先plead not guilty等trial的?候申?呢点击展开...肯定选plead not guilty等trial,到出庭的时候crown先会和你商量,那就是讨价还价的时候,如果条件谈好的,正式开庭的时候跟法官说plead guilty, 下楼交钱了事。如果不满意,就等法官判决,80%以上的都是谈好了plead guilty的,只有很少部分才会等法官的判决。
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket十分多谢你的意,但有一点不明白。 如果选项3并plead not guilty那和选项2就好像什么不同, 选项2是plead not guilty by mailing this ticket to the address indicated above after signing the following statement(不认罪就签名并寄到那地方):I wish to plead not guilty to the offence i have been charged with and will appear at the trial date set for me.(我不认罪,我会如期到庭)I understand that I will be advised of this trial date by ordinary mail which will be sent to my address on the reverse of this ticket unless I indicate a different address below. (我明白通过普通邮件寄到上面的地址被通知出庭) I understand that should i fail to appear for my trial i may be convicted in my absence without a hearing and i will be responsible for payment of any penalty plus late payment charges that may become applicable.(我明白我如果不出庭,我会负责罚款和滞纳金) 那么选项2,和选项3的plead not guilty,唯一不同是不是, 选项3的不需要付滞纳金呢,但就要至少2次到那法庭去,第一次是定trial,第二次是出庭,(或者可以改出庭时间) 而选项2,只需要去一次出庭,但不能改时间 是不是这样理解? 既然都是trial那么为什么大家都选3呢? 肯定选plead not guilty等trial,到出庭的时候crown先会和你商量,那就是讨价还价的时候,如果条件谈好的,正式开庭的时候跟法官说plead guilty, 下楼交钱了事。如果不满意,就等法官判决,80%以上的都是谈好了plead guilty的,只有很少部分才会等法官的判决。点击展开...
060320 fn isk (pmk)......080922 load calgary......working now回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket这个罚款算正常的啦,我有个同事也是同样的被罚,罚单是276块
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket你把罚单原文copy上来,应该是只有第三项才上庭。
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticketOPTION 1: PAY THE VOLUNTARY PAYMENT amount on or before the appearance date as indicated above. Payment may be made in person at any Registry Office or Provincial Court. You may also pay this ticket using the Internet by following the instructions on the website at www.finepayment.gov.ab.ca. Service fees willapply at a Registry Office or if you use the website. If you wish to mail your payment send it to:(Mailing Address.....)Include your ticket with your payment and write the ticket number on the back of your cheque or money order. Do not send cash through the mail. Cheques or money orders in Canadian Funds must be made payable to: Minister of Finance and Enterprise. If you wish to pay by credit card, please complete the following.If applicable ,the late payment charge will be added to your payment:VISA MASTERCARD No.: ___________________________________________Expiry Date: _____/_______ Cardholder’s Signature:________________________________ OPTION 2. PLEAD NOT GUILTY by mailing this ticket to the address indicated above after signing the following statement:I wish to Plead Not Guilty to the offence I have been charged with and Will Appear at the Trial Date set for me. I understand that I will be advised of thistrial date by ordinary mail which will be sent to the address above unless I indicate a different address on the bottom of this ticket. I understand that should Ifail to appear for my trial I may be convicted in my absence and without a hearing and I will be responsible for payment of any penalty plus late payment charges that may become applicable.Print Name:__________________________________________ Date:_____________ Signature:__________________________________________ OPTION 3. APPEAR BEFORE A JUSTICE at the appearance address and date indicated above. You may plead guilty or not guilty to the offence charged. If you plead guilty, you may ask for time to pay the fine, but if you wish to make submissions as to penalty, you may be referred to a First Appearance Prosecutor, where one is available, or a hearing may be set for a later date. If you plead not guilty, a trial date will be set.NOTE: Where authorized, the voluntary payment option includes a victim surcharge. The victims surcharge is used to assist victims of crime in the Province of Alberta.WARNING: The onus is on you to ensure that payment or any other action reaches the Court Office prior to your appearance date.If you choose the Voluntary Payment Option, your payment must be received on or before the appearance date to avoid late payment charges.Should you be convicted of the offence in your absence and fail to pay the fine imposed within the time allowed if any, you will be subject to late payment charges. The amount of the late payment charge will be $20 or 20% of the above Voluntary Payment amount whichever is greater. You have the right to retain and instruct counsel regarding this matter.If you fail to respond to the Offence Notice as required by law by the appearance date indicated above, or if you plead not guilty and fail to appear in court in person or by agent on your trial date, you will be deemed not to dispute the charge, and you may be convicted of the offence in your absence without a hearing. Until the Voluntary Payment amount plus any late payment charges are paid in full, you will not be allowed to obtain or renew your Driver’s Licence and/or Motor Vehicle Licence(s). Conviction of certain motor vehicle driving offences will result in demerit points being assessed against your driving record. 基本上所有有字的部分都贴上来了 你把罚单原文copy上来,应该是只有第三项才上庭。点击展开...
060320 fn isk (pmk)......080922 load calgary......working now回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket第二项直接等开庭,开庭当天在法官裁判前还是可以和crown讨价还价的, 就像我上面说的.第三项直接去见crown,跟他/她谈,谈不龙在上庭.
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket这个罚单我家LD也收到过,直接去法庭要求减免就行了,结果减到175,我们懒得费工夫来回跑就交了。另外有一点需要提醒你一下,不要刚收到罚单就去法庭,最好等到交罚款的限期前一个礼拜左右去,因为你的罚单可能还没有那么快转到他们那里,去了也什么都做不了,免得白跑一趟。
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket可以随便什么时候去都可以的吗?这个去的时间和地点原文是这样的:In the name of her majesty the queen you are therefore commanded to appear before a justice at"justice of the peace counter ,2F south tower,601-5st sw,calgary,ab"on Dec 23,2010 anytime between8:15am and 3:30pm,and to attend thereafter as required by law. 这个不是说只能在12.23号这天去这个justice of the peace counter的意思啊?说实在我也想早点了结这个事情,如果可以按你说的可以提前一个星期左右在12月16号左右就可以搞好那就太好了,可以安心过圣诞了。 另外,想问,你LD有没有被扣点呢?可以被减免点数吗?点数会影响保险费吗?这几个问题很困扰啊。 这个罚单我家LD也收到过,直接去法庭要求减免就行了,结果减到175,我们懒得费工夫来回跑就交了。另外有一点需要提醒你一下,不要刚收到罚单就去法庭,最好等到交罚款的限期前一个礼拜左右去,因为你的罚单可能还没有那么快转到他们那里,去了也什么都做不了,免得白跑一趟。点击展开...
060320 fn isk (pmk)......080922 load calgary......working now回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticketAPPEAR BEFORE A JUSTICE at the appearance address and date indicated above. 第3项 这里应该有详细地址,直接到交罚款的限期前一个礼拜左右去就行了,当然也是说说你的理由,一般来说都可以减掉一些罚金。当时我LD扣点了,本来是3点,减了1点。
回复: ?教:?有停stop sign,收到警察ticket安慰一下,在register看到有一种网上课程,上完可以消掉3分
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