加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - 请问从BC省搬入AB省,医疗保险如何转



太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。天行健,君子以自强不息。谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地根,绵绵若存,用之不勤。个人建议华人应该在加拿大积极参政,可以有效地保护华人的权益。大家好,我打算从BC省搬家到卡尔加里。问我的医疗保险如何从BC省转入到AB省?需要什么手续怎么个步骤?谢谢。 另外,税务方面我应该办哪些手续,请有经验的朋友介绍一下,谢谢。点击展开...带着ID, 及AB省电居住地址到下面网址里所列的registration office 去登记,然后你会收到寄来的health care card。 BC省居民搬过来, 头三个月的医疗费用由BC省承担,三个月后由alberta 承担。 医疗保险免费是AB省的又一个福利。http://www.health.alberta.ca/AHCIP/registration-services.html 税务没有什么手续, 打电话给税务局改地址就行了。明年报税的时候, 直接以阿省居民身份报。

回复: 请问从BC省搬入AB省,医疗保险如何转入?信息的官方网站:BC省卫生部,医疗服务机构 MSP (Medical Service Provider)http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp/infoben/leavingbc.htmlPermanent Move from British ColumbiaWithin Canada - coverage is provided for - the balance of the month in which you leave the province - plus two consecutive months. If required, coverage may be extended for up to three extra months to cover you while in transit. Upon arrival, you should immediately apply to the health plan of the new province or territory. Outside Canada - coverage is provided for the balance of the month in which you leave the province. You should advise MSP of your move as soon as possible - use one of MSP's online Address Change Forms or contact MSP. Cancelling Your CoverageIf you will no longer be a resident of B.C., you must notify MSP of the date of your departure and your new address; otherwise, premium billing may continue. If possible, use one of MSP's online Address Change Forms. (Note: failure to pay premiums does not constitute notification to cancel your coverage.)点击展开...亚省医疗保险计划 AHIP (Alberta Health Insurance Plan)http://www.health.alberta.ca/AHCIP/Q-register-requirements.htmlApplication processingYou are not covered for medical services under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan until all the required information is received and your application is processed. However, any medical services you receive and pay for before your application is processed may be reimbursed once you have your personal health card and can show eligibility for the period when you received the services. The effective date of your coverage will be determined based on the following: If you move to Alberta from within Canada your coverage begins the first day of the third month following the date you establish permanent residency here;For example, if you establish permanent residency in Alberta on July 12, your coverage is effective October 1. If you move to Alberta from outside of Canada your coverage begins on your date of arrival in Alberta, once all registration validation requirements are met. If the Application for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Coverage is not received within 90 days of the date you arrive and establish permanent residency in Alberta, Alberta Health and Wellness will determine the effective date of your coverage.点击展开...

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