加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息part-time job感觉适合女性


The Youth Engagement Coordinator position is a 15 hour per month temporary part-time contract position. This may be an ideal position for a student in need of a flexible work schedule and looking to gain experience working with youth and community. The successful applicant will work in consultation with the 12 Community Safety Initiative (12CSI) youth engagement sub-committee to create, facilitate, and oversee a youth volunteer action team of up to 15 youth between the ages of 12-15. The primary objective of this position will be to assist in coordinating a youth led volunteer project in greater Forest Lawn. Examples of a volunteer project include, but are not limted to, a recreational or arts-based project, community clean up, a project to support seniors etc.Duties: Working under the guidance of the 12CSI youth sub-committee:Facilitate youth ideas and provide guidance to the youth volunteer action teamAssist in the facilitation of community development forums for projectsAct as a support/liaison with project partnersGather and organize/compile basic project summary informationCoordinate materials necessary for projectsAssist with youth recruitmentMinimum Competencies:Applicants must have:Post secondary education in social services, education, developmental art or recreation administrationFlexibility, and experience working with diverse youthYouth mediation and skill building experienceInterest in community developmentThe ability to work with minimal supervisionAbility to keep statistical records and summary notesGood oral and written communication skillsSome hours for this position are flexible; however it will be important to be available for a weekly youth engagement group each Wednesday from 3:30-6:30 p.m.Compensation:Salary Plan: $18/hourHours of Work: 15 hrs/month, plus an additional 17.5 hours will be allotted toward the co-facilitation of the community project for a total of 70 contract hours.Closing Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 5:00pmAll applications and/or resumes must be received on or before this date.Position Information:This is a fourteen week part-time contract position beginning September 7, 2011, and ending December 14, 2011.Notes:- The successful applicant must provide proof of qualifications.- Security clearance and Child Welfare checks will be required for this position.- Email applications attention: 12CSI Youth Engagement Hiring Committee at [email protected]

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