加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息经验华人DJ 接各种规模的DJ任务!
Hello there, This is DJ Byron, I'm willing to take any DJ tasks in any sized party, club, bar, gig, or events. I'm a DJ from Toronto. I used to DJ under Neuto Entertainment. I have DJed in Babyface ,XS, Rich, Guvernment etc, and some bars and I'm also holding a audio diploma from Toronto RAC collage. I have moved here recently and searching for DJ jobs. Since I don't know anyone in this city, my charge is going to be lower than others. I mix all genre of music like top 50s, hip hop, club, dance, house, progressive, electronic, dub-step etc. I would play any tracks that you what and keep the crowed moving. Please feel free to contact me by phone: 587 707 1314/ 403 275 0875/ 403 399 6231or by email Thank you!
回复: 经验华人DJ 接各种规模的DJ任务!楼主咋跑来卡村乞讨来了?
回复: 经验华人DJ 接各种规模的DJ任务!各村游走乞讨楼主咋跑来卡村乞讨来了?点击展开...
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