加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Title insurance有用吗?下面这话是让你必须买吗?
Title to the property must be acceptable to our Solicitor who will ensure that the Borrower(s) have good and marketable title in fee simple to the property and that the property is clear of any encumbrances which might affect the priority of this Mortgage. Street Capital will require a Lender policy of Title Insurance to be obtained prior to closing. The cost of this insurance will be payable by the Borrower(s). In order to obtain Title Insurance, the following will be required: (a) confirmation that property taxes are up-to-date; (b) confirmation that adequate fire insurance is in place; (c) a legal description of the property; and (d) the completed forms as required by the service provider assigned by Street Capital to close this transaction. (Solicitor)
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