加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息又是Marlborough, NE,昨天发生枪击案


一家人在家看电视,幸好没击中。上午9点多。距离老大统华不远。upload_2014-10-5_21-6-12.pngA man died after being shot outside a Marlborough Park home in northeast Calgary on Saturday morning.The homicide unit is now investigating and trying to determine whether this incident is related to another nearby shooting that took place moments later.Officers and paramedics were called to a back alley in the 300 block of Manora Road N.E. at around 9:50 a.m. to respond to complaints of a shooting.When they arrived, they found a man suffering from gunshot wounds, said Staff Sgt. Rob Davidson.The patient was rushed to Foothills Hospital in critical condition where he later died.His identity and the official cause of death have not been released pending an autopsy, scheduled for early next week.Davidson said there was minimal information he could share about the victim or the circumstances.“It is a little peculiar that you think on a beautiful Saturday morning you don’t sort of expect this to happen in people’s residential communities,” he said.A neighbour near the scene of the fatal shooting, who did not want to be named, said he was outside in the backyard when he heard gunfire.“They were slow at first, then really rapid,” the man said, estimating there were about 10 shots discharged. “Then I heard a girl scream and start crying.”He said he saw a grey or silver SUV speeding away, heading north “going too fast for the alley.”About 10 minutes later, he heard sirens and police cruisers soon flooded the area.Police blocked part of the alley with their vehicles and with yellow police tape, as they probed the scene, marking the ground with orange traffic cones. Later that morning, the front of the home was cordoned off with yellow tape.Officers also went up and down the block, making neighbourhood inquiries.Mike Eldessouki was home with his wife and grandson when he heard “a big boom ... About five times or more.”“We thought it was fireworks,” Eldessouki said.He said they were shaken after learning what happened.“Somebody got shot. It makes you think twice about staying here.”He said he doesn’t know anything about the people who live at the home, adding the residents just moved in about a month ago with two big dogs. He said the curtains always seemed to be drawn.A sign tacked up next to the front door of the home indicated it was equipped with surveillance, with security cameras visible at the front and back of the residence.Other neighbours said the new residents had recently received complaints about their dogs and had been visited by bylaw officers. They said large boards had been erected in the backyard, about six to eight feet high, presumably to keep their dogs contained on the property.Meanwhile, police are investigating a shooting that took place about 15 minutes later several blocks south of the fatal shooting scene in the 5700 block of Maidstone Crescent N.E. No one was hurt.“We did have a second firearms complaint in the vicinity. At this time, we don’t know if the two events are related or not,” Davidson said. “Our officers did attend. They did find damage to two different houses.”One bullet hit an occupied home and another bullet hit the exterior of another home, say police, adding the guns and gangs unit is investigating because a firearm was involved.Katie Perrault said her neighbour’s home was one of the residences struck, adding a bullet had gone through his front window.“It missed his son as he was sitting on the coach. They were all watching TV,” Perrault said, adding no one was hurt but the family is rattled by the incident.“I had chills up my arms. I have kids. We all live here. It could’ve happened to any of us.”- With files from Colleen De Neve, Calgary Herald

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 2014-10-06#2 泰 594 $0.00 第一句就说死了一个,什么叫“幸好没击中”?



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