加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息An Open Letter to Stephen Harper 压垮哈勃的一根稻草,


Facebook上引起广泛共鸣的公开信An Open Letter to Stephen HarperMARY CLEAVER·Friday 10 OCTOBER 2015Dear Mr. Harper,I live in BC with my husband and two little girls. I grew up in Calgary and have many friends and family members there. I’m white and in my early 40s. One of us is a stay at home parent, so we benefit 100% from the direct deposits in lieu of a national childcare program. We also benefit 100% from income splitting. And we can afford to take advantage of the increased allowance in our TFSAs.In other words, we’re the picture of the family who benefits the most from your economic policies.But we’re not voting Conservative on October 19th.You see, you’ve misjudged us. We enjoy our standard of living, we work hard for it but it’s not the only thing that matters to us.You assume we don’t care about our first nations neighbours, or Canadians trying to bring their family members here from war torn countries. That we don’t care about less fortunate Canadians, our veterans, or scientists.You think we don’t mind that to save a few bucks and balance the books we axed the census, dumped decades of research from our libraries, cut funding to CBC, underspent our budgets in important departments and closed coast guard stations.You figure we no longer want our lakes and rivers protected and that we don’t understand that climate change is a far greater risk to our way of life than Barbaric Cultural Practices.You’ve underestimated us.On October 19, we’re not voting for our bank balance. We’re voting for change because we want the caring Canada of our youth back. The Canada that supported our single mothers that gave us the opportunity to succeed in the first place.Mary Cleaverwww.leadnow.ca#imagineoct20th

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”Facebook上引起广泛共鸣的公开信An Open Letter to Stephen HarperMARY CLEAVER·Friday 10 OCTOBER 2015Dear Mr. Harper,I live in BC with my husband and two little girls. I grew up in Calgary and have many friends and family members there. I’m white and in my early 40s. One of us is a stay at home parent, so we benefit 100% from the direct deposits in lieu of a national childcare program. We also benefit 100% from income splitting. And we can afford to take advantage of the increased allowance in our TFSAs.In other words, we’re the picture of the family who benefits the most from your economic policies.But we’re not voting Conservative on October 19th.You see, you’ve misjudged us. We enjoy our standard of living, we work hard for it but it’s not the only thing that matters to us.You assume we don’t care about our first nations neighbours, or Canadians trying to bring their family members here from war torn countries. That we don’t care about less fortunate Canadians, our veterans, or scientists.You think we don’t mind that to save a few bucks and balance the books we axed the census, dumped decades of research from our libraries, cut funding to CBC, underspent our budgets in important departments and closed coast guard stations.You figure we no longer want our lakes and rivers protected and that we don’t understand that climate change is a far greater risk to our way of life than Barbaric Cultural Practices.You’ve underestimated us.On October 19, we’re not voting for our bank balance. We’re voting for change because we want the caring Canada of our youth back. The Canada that supported our single mothers that gave us the opportunity to succeed in the first place.Mary Cleaverwww.leadnow.ca#imagineoct20th点击展开...写得不错,境界很高。不像某些人只看到自己鼻子底下的那点破事儿。


" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”不过,有人说,好多保粉看不懂英语的。点击展开...

新David0531 说:不过,有人说,好多保粉看不懂英语的。点击展开...写的不错~你把随后的评论贴上来看看。


呵呵赞反馈:皓月千里 2015-10-18#7 jjsheng
付费矿工 265$(0.05$赞力,#64) 15,306 $2.60 $264.66 个人感觉是不论哪个政党对原住民都不咋地,对他们都不好,更何况像俺们这样的移民呢?

yvjiang 说:有些自粉,英文不好,中文也差劲。点击展开...表划阵营吵了,看点别人客观的观点,去投票的华人超不过20万,你们吵来吵去啥也影响不了~~


jjsheng 说:这倒是,因此脚着华人圈里自己打得昏天黑地的,特别滑稽。其实去投票就好,说服别人很困难的。自己的家人和孩子都那么难说服,何况在网上。都不是专业忽悠大仙,别太勉为其难了。点击展开...这几天总算亲眼看到文革是咋回事了~~

@赞反馈:comeback 2015-10-18#11 fierysteed
7,138 就希望早点看到结果.本来我每周末都很努力的学习, 这周末被选情搅得都没心思学习了.

有脏话的帖子不回,这是我行走家园的一个小原则。 2015-10-18#12 jjsheng
付费矿工 265$(0.05$赞力,#64) 15,306 $2.60 $264.66 又及,英语不好的不是问题,可以以后提高。不应该被歧视。用不着五十步笑百步。

jjsheng 说:又及,英语不好的不是问题,可以以后提高。不应该被歧视。用不着五十步笑百步。点击展开...附议~

@就希望早点看到结果.本来我每周末都很努力的学习, 这周末被选情搅得都没心思学习了.点击展开...明天晚上西部7:00就有结果了。


recreation 说:明天晚上西部7:00就有结果了。点击展开...西部7点,那东部是10点么?



保守党还在台上C-24法案就改变不了!说不定下一任党就用C-24治你,这就是后果。就是保守党上台不见得有好果子给你们吃。你想想保守党如果觉得排外 炒作成功帮他守住位子,怎么也得向支持者 兑现一下吧,切、切、切!C-24莫须有的条款没有期限限制,法庭无法聆讯,移民官说了算。你们二等公民在这方面地位不如你们排斥的难民,也不如永久居民 申请者。

recreation 说:表划阵营吵了,看点别人客观的观点,去投票的华人超不过20万,你们吵来吵去啥也影响不了~~点击展开...吵架是好事儿啊,吵的凶吸引眼球,让原来不投票的人也去投票了……对华裔来说,提高投票率才是硬道理...至于投谁嘛,来,咱接茬吵...:D

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