加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教一下,有BC的驾照(5级)可以再卡尔加里买



买车当然没问题,到车行给钱或Finance就卖给您,但在当地无法登记和买保险,需当地驾照和居住地址,理论上是阿省税务居民建议在BC省换成五级驾照后再来卡加利换驾照。在阿省买车特别是豪车可以省很多税。新车自用半年后如果再搬到BC换车牌,不需要补税,四年新以内的车也不需要out of province inspection



nice-guy 说:是的,我转过三辆车,而且两辆过了收豪车税的坎,一分钱税也没交。办保险的人亲口说的点击展开...今年豪车税实行后办的么?我看政策说二手车也得过豪车税这关,是不是得根据ICBC对二手车估值来决定是否需要补税呢?比如说25万加元的车即使开了半年,估值应该还得有20万左右,那岂不是还得补税?除非有政策说自用车搬家来BC可以免税。

让子弹再飞一会儿 2019-04-08#6 N 934 $0.00 搜了下Dated March 2018的文件,说自用车用过一个月就免税,亲友做为礼物送的车也免税:New ResidentsIf you are a new resident to BC and you bring a vehicle into BC on or after February 19, 2014 solely for non-business use, the vehicle is exempt from PST if: the vehicle arrives in BC within one year of you becoming a resident of the province, and  you owned the vehicle for at least 30 days before you became a resident of BC.Note: Different rules apply if the vehicle was brought into BC before February 19, 2014. For more information, please contact us.DocumentationTo claim the exemption, you must provide your previous registration from another jurisdiction or bill of sale to show you owned the vehicle for at least 30 days. You may be asked to provide documentation proving the date you became a resident of BC (e.g. BC medical services plan enrolment).For more information, see Bulletin PST 306, Goods Brought Into BC by New Residents.Gifts to Related IndividualsIf you receive a vehicle as a gift, you are exempt from paying PST on the vehicle if the person who gave you the vehicle (the donor) is a related individual to you and the donor: paid an applicable tax or another province’s sales tax on the purchase of the vehicle and has not received and is not eligible for a refund, credit or rebate of that tax, including input tax credits, was exempt from PST, TDP or SST that would have otherwise been payable, or received the vehicle as a gift in BC prior to April 1, 2013.Note: Only one gift of a specific vehicle between related individuals is eligible for exemption in a 12-month period. PST will apply to any future gifts of that vehicle within 12 months. The only exception is if a gift vehicle is gifted back from the recipient to the donor.A related individual is: a person’s spouse (legally married or living for a continuous period of at least 2 years with another person in a marriage-like relationship), child, grandchild, great grandchild, parent, grandparent, great grandparent, or sibling, the spouse of a person's child, grandchild or great grandchild, or the child, parent, grandparent or great grandparent of a person's spouse.DocumentationTo claim the exemption, you and the donor of the vehicle must complete the Gift of a Vehicle form (FIN 319) and, in the case of vehicles brought into BC from outside the province, provide proof that tax was paid on the vehicle. If the donor was exempt from PST, TDP or SST, they must provide specific information on the gift form.

nice-guy 说:搜了下Dated March 2018的文件,说自用车用过一个月就免税,亲友做为礼物送的车也免税:New ResidentsIf you are a new resident to BC and you bring a vehicle into BC on or after February 19, 2014 solely for non-business use, the vehicle is exempt from PST if: the vehicle arrives in BC within one year of you becoming a resident of the province, and  you owned the vehicle for at least 30 days before you became a resident of BC.Note: Different rules apply if the vehicle was brought into BC before February 19, 2014. For more information, please contact us.DocumentationTo claim the exemption, you must provide your previous registration from another jurisdiction or bill of sale to show you owned the vehicle for at least 30 days. You may be asked to provide documentation proving the date you became a resident of BC (e.g. BC medical services plan enrolment).For more information, see Bulletin PST 306, Goods Brought Into BC by New Residents.Gifts to Related IndividualsIf you receive a vehicle as a gift, you are exempt from paying PST on the vehicle if the person who gave you the vehicle (the donor) is a related individual to you and the donor: paid an applicable tax or another province’s sales tax on the purchase of the vehicle and has not received and is not eligible for a refund, credit or rebate of that tax, including input tax credits, was exempt from PST, TDP or SST that would have otherwise been payable, or received the vehicle as a gift in BC prior to April 1, 2013.Note: Only one gift of a specific vehicle between related individuals is eligible for exemption in a 12-month period. PST will apply to any future gifts of that vehicle within 12 months. The only exception is if a gift vehicle is gifted back from the recipient to the donor.A related individual is: a person’s spouse (legally married or living for a continuous period of at least 2 years with another person in a marriage-like relationship), child, grandchild, great grandchild, parent, grandparent, great grandparent, or sibling, the spouse of a person's child, grandchild or great grandchild, or the child, parent, grandparent or great grandparent of a person's spouse.DocumentationTo claim the exemption, you and the donor of the vehicle must complete the Gift of a Vehicle form (FIN 319) and, in the case of vehicles brought into BC from outside the province, provide proof that tax was paid on the vehicle. If the donor was exempt from PST, TDP or SST, they must provide specific information on the gift form.点击展开...费心了,感谢

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