加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息完了,这是要真的变天了吗?


刚刚收到双周的payroll,再加上扣掉的税费.......O.M.G. 这是真的吗?Oh My God Reaction GIF这是要灭绝我了吗?阿尔伯塔的天真的要变了吗?世界真的变得越来越坏了吗?oh my god omg GIF by Hell's Kitchen唉,要挣扎地排列组合接下来的两周生活了。到底是麦片夹着面包吃,还是面包夹着麦片吃?太难了,太难了.......Pay 01.JPGPay 02.JPGDesperate GIF by memecandy分享一个链接,Is it possible to live on $1 a day? How would you live on $1 a day?Is it possible to live on $1 a day? How would you live on $1 a day? - Quora

“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 超赞 赏 赞反馈:苏默默, 小鼠波波, admin 和 13 其他人 4.75 lovemapleleaf 付费矿工 182$(0.02$赞力,#27) 6,523