加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息曼省通过留学移民的政策,注意B类,刚从政府网站上拷来的


Are you eligible to apply to the MPNPThe MPNP eligibility criteria are designed to help you determine if you have the potential to successfully find a job and settle as a permanent resident of Manitoba.You are eligible to apply as a priority applicant and receive expedited processing online if you meet one of options A, B, C or D.A. You are currently working in Manitoba as a temporary foreign worker with a valid temporary work permit and have been working for at least six months.B. As an International Student you graduated from a publicly funded Manitoba post-secondary institution in at least a one-year program for which you received a certificate, diploma or degree, you have an offer of a long-term, full-time job from a Manitoba employer and have been working in that job at least six months with a valid post-graduation work permit.C. You have been invited to apply under a Strategic Initiative.D. You have a strong connection to Manitoba through having family who live in the province, and you meet the following five factors.1. AgeYou are between 21 and 49 years old.People in this age range can manage the cultural, linguistic and economic challenges involved in moving to work in a new country, including the possible need to retrain or pass rigorous certification or licensing processes for some jobs.2. EducationYou completed secondary (high) school and have at least one year post-secondary education or training for which you earned a post-secondary diploma or degree.People who have completed some post-secondary education can better meet the qualification requirements of Manitoba employers and adapt to the changing demands of the workplace.3. Work ExperienceYou have at least two years of full-time work experience in the past five years.Having recent employment helps ensure that you have the skills and experience that are in demand in Manitoba, helping you find a job in your intended occupation and increasing your potential for long-term career success.4. Language AbilityYou completed your secondary and post-secondary education in English or French, or scored at least 5 on an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test.The experience of many thousands of people from around the world who have moved to Manitoba through the MPNP shows that the key challenge of immigrants is they needed better English language skills.Having at least this level of English, and being willing to improve your language skills, will help you get a good job, participate in training and licensing or certification programs that will help you meet the occupational demands and get ahead in the Manitoba workplace.5. AdaptabilityWith your application you must submit a Settlement Plan that explains the steps you will take to adapt to life in Manitoba and have it endorsed by a close relative who has lived in Manitoba as a permanent resident for at least one year.Settling in Manitoba will take a period of adjustment. You need to be able to support yourself and your family during that time. Having the (non-financial) support of family who live in Manitoba will increase your potential for success.

吃美食,看美景,做美事!嘿嘿,就这么过下去。 超赞 赏 davidph2010 0$(VIP 0) 1022012-02-16#2 回复: 曼省通过留学移民的政策,注意B类,刚从政府网站上拷来的沙发自己坐。B. As an International Student you graduated from a publicly funded Manitoba post-secondary institution in at least a one-year program for which you received a certificate, diploma or degree, you have an offer of a long-term, full-time job from a Manitoba employer and have been working in that job at least six months with a valid post-graduation work permit. 分析:1、学习满一年能毕业的就可以,而并不是很多中文信息里说的要两年以上;2、必须毕业有证书、文凭、学历,3、还是必须要有雇主提供工作,且要是全时长期的工作,而不是不用工作即可,且雇主必须是曼尼托巴的,因而不可能去别的省份找工作;4、还是必须工作6个月以上,而不是不用工作或者工作一年以上,但没有说要求是与所学专业相对应的工作。 发问:1、那些说“毕业即可移民,不用工作”的同志们,你们是在哪里得到的信息?2、政府的信息里面没有讲“一年毕业可获一年工签”或者“两年毕业可获三年工签”啊,是不是能获得工签应该还是取决于能不能在毕业前或毕业后找到工作吧?那不是相当于如果找不到工作,就得不到工签,得不到工签就不能工作,也就不够条件通过这条道路移民了? 大侠们请回答。

吃美食,看美景,做美事!嘿嘿,就这么过下去。 超赞 赏 T taogeng 0$(VIP 0) 1212012-02-20#3 回复: 曼省通过留学移民的政策,注意B类,刚从政府网站上拷来的同问同问,请大侠帮忙!

回复: 曼省通过留学移民的政策,注意B类,刚从政府网站上拷来的1. 不知道怎么回答你。个人理解是 很多中介是不需要你工作 只需要你付钱 就可以帮你做假资料申请移民2. 请参考http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/work-postgrad-who.asp 现在的政策是 留学生毕业不需要找到工作就可以申请工作签证 工签的长短是由你的学历决定 你的证书是8个月到2年之间的课程 就给你发和学期长度一样长时间的工签(比如你是8个月的课程 毕业就只能拿到8个月的工签); 两年以上的课程就给你发三年的工签。 现在学生毕业的工签和比原来好拿多了,以前是需要必须有工作offer才能申请,但是现在是只要在毕业90天内申请即可拿到。

9's 奈斯 KTV 曼尼托巴省华人歌库最全 调酒最专业 人气最高的KTV Mercato Dessert House 麦咔兜甜点屋 温尼伯第一家华人糖水店+意大利的冰淇淋 中西文化碰撞的火花 地址:230 Osborne Street ; 电话:204-452-0130 超赞 赏 S ShuanLi2011 0$(VIP 0) 2052012-02-21#5 回复: 曼省通过留学移民的政策,注意B类,刚从政府网站上拷来的附议一下LS的说法,个人经验以及从移民中心得到证实的消息,不过毕业生不用工作直接申请移民的程序貌似暂时叫停,之前算是个新政策,要求毕业生要上一个课程,但是第一期的效果好象不太尽如人意,然后就被停止继续进行,现在的情况不太知道。

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